2020-2021 Season

Our 2020 - 2021 Season

Sustainability was our number one focus this season. It was beyond important that our team focus on our existing members and making sure their needs were met, considering the state of the world.

Over the summer, our student leaders worked hard to continue our communication with members and partners. We spent countless hours brainstorming ways to stay connected via training courses and community outreach while keeping everyone safe. This led to navigating a new series of virtual platforms. While it was a challenge, our team found great success hosting a weekly meeting covering various topics and continuing weekly workshops in CAD, programming, and the Chairman's award.

Our team saw more than just sustainability, it saw growth! While we had 31 members returning to our team, we gained 22 new students! This season, 33% of our team was female and a majority were traditionally underserved populations. In addition to student growth, our mentor base grew as well! We gained two new mentors for mechanical, CAD, and programming.

As our competition season rolled around, we maintained both a virtual platform but began to meet in person. We competed in a variety of virtual challenges provided by FIRST and saw great success, growing in a number of areas such as awards writing, presenting, design (CAD), manufacturing, and strategy.

Year-round we worked to ensure there was a connection within our community. This was maintained through our continued social media presence, sponsor communication, outreach to local elementary schools, and our STEM Kits initiative.

Feel free to read our recap letter below for more details!

To keep up with everything we are up to, check out our social media pages!

2021 Thank You Sponsor Letter .pdf