Youth Group

May 21

End of Year Party (3-4:30pm) ***NOTE new time/place***

Every year I forget how busy May becomes for our families and plan an extravagant end of year celebration. And every year, I get emails/texts with regrets from folks who are too overwhelmed to attend. Such was this case this year with the Family Fiesta. 

Instead, we'd like to invite ALL YOUTH to come jump away the stress and busyness at RUSH. Meet at Rush at 2:45pm. Bring your RUSH socks if you have them (we'll have extras if you don't' have them). We'll jump from 3-4pm, then enjoy some special treats as we move into summer. Pick up at 4:30pm. No cost for youth.

Please complete the online waiver before dropping off: 

May 14


We are excited to celebrate our high school seniors in 11am worship this week, with a reception to follow. 

Join us as we recognize David, Wallace, Simms, Aiden, Kate, Carolina, and Charlotte!!

*There is no youth group tonight. Please remember to RSVP for the end of year Fiesta by 5/15 next week. RSVP here.

May 7


How does our history shape our future? What gifts can we find in our Scottish heritage? What legacy do you want to leave behind for the next generation? What role should the church play in shaping a new vision for humanity? Join us for conversation, games and visioning. 

MS Youth Group (5-6pm)

Dinner (6pm)

Thanks to the Sewards for providing dinner tonight. If you have not yet helped with dinner, we could use 1 more family to help out. Please let me know!

HS Youth Group (6:30-7:45pm)

April 30


All youth signed up and at least one parent/guardian must attend the info meeting tonight. Please bring your final balance to the meeting.

Middle School Montreat (5pm)

The Middle School Conference (MSC) will be held July 19-23 at Maryville College, TN. 

More information can be found here.

High School Montreat (6:30pm)

Montreat Youth Conference (MYC) is open to rising 9th graders through high school seniors. It will be held June 4-10 at Montreat, NC. 

More information can be found here. 

*Will not have dinner tonight. Meetings will take the place of youth group activities.

April 23


Earth Day was Saturday, April 22. Tonight we'll honor God's majestic creation. 

MS Youth Group (5pm)

We know our middle schoolers, tonight we'll get our hands dirty with some spring planting, followed by an outside worship service. 

HS Youth Group (6:30pm)

For those in the midst of exam stress, come take a break from your studies for an hour of stress-relieving nature-inspired activities and mini outdoor worship service.

*8th grade can move on up to HS tonight or stay in MS until next year. Your choice!!

April 16


Easter was last week, but we are still celebrating! Tonight, we'll participate in the first ever Egg Olympics - high school vs middle school! Youth will compete in egg-themed games to win prizes, ending with a churchwide egg hunt. 

See you for a night of fun and laughter. 

Meet in Fellowship Hall.

April 9


no youth group tonight

April 2


Youth and their parents are invited to special Sunday School offering in the PIT this morning. 

You'll be introduced to the spiritual practices of audio divina, lectio divina and visio divina.

At 10:40am everyone is invited to participate in the Palm Processional, following a live donkey around the block to the Sanctuary for 11am worship. Meet on the upper parking deck.

March 26

5th Sunday in Lent: BE COURAGEOUS

Showing love and standing up for justice may sound good in the abstract. But how far are we willing to go to spread godly love? While it might be easy to think of love in warm and fuzzy terms, sometimes love is not pretty. This is especially true when love must confront the ugliness of injustice. Tonight we'll share examples of courageous love and talk about how being a Matthew 25 church pushes us to do more, to be brave, to be a light in the darkness. What role do you think the church should play in fighting injustice?

March 19

4th Sunday in Lent: Show Mercy

Jesus called his followers to a different way. Jesus spoke about mercy. He said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” (Matthew 5:7). He prayed for God’s mercy for those who crucified him. Jesus’ way of love reflected a commonality among all those created in God’s image. When we act out of this conviction, love looks like mercy. 

Tonight, we'll look at the idea of both/and - grace and mercy, trouble and mercy, justice and mercy. How can we see God's image in each of these?

March 12

3rd Sunday in Lent: Serve a Stranger

The command to love in active, extravagant ways, and to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves, means we give ourselves away in service to everyone, including those whom we might consider strangers. It takes an intentional act of love to reach across stubborn cultural, racial, class, geopolitical, and religious boundaries to connect with those whom we don’t know. 

Tonight, we'll revisit the idea of ubuntu, I am because we are, and how that connects to God's mandate to practice radical hospitality. When have you felt welcomed as a stranger? When have you show radical hospitality to another? 

March 5

2nd Sunday in Lent: Live Peaceably

Jesus taught his followers to create new communities bound together by self-giving love rather than self-protecting walls. We are to create communities dedicated to peace, starting with ourselves. Peace is

not something that simply happens. It is something that we actively work toward every day of our lives in little and big ways. Tonight, we'll unpack Paul's letter to the church in Romans 12:9-21 to better understand how we can (and should) live peaceably. How are you creating space for peace in your life?

February 26

1st Sunday in Lent: Love Extravagantly

To love extravagantly, it is important to know what love is. We love because God first loved us. Our understanding of the depth and breadth of God’s love becomes the foundation on which we are able to love God, self, neighbor, and enemy. 

Tonight begins our Lenten Study: Love God, neighbor, enemy. We'll break into small groups so we can delve even deeper into the characters of our Lenten scriptures. Together, we will seek clarity, connection, wonder, justice, and balance. 

February 17-20

Ski Trip!!

Please read through all information and be here on time on Friday!

There is no youth group on Sunday due to the ski trip.

February 5

MS Youth Group (5pm)

While middle school youth do not have speaking parts in Youth Sunday this year, they have an important role in creating the visual message for the day. Tonight, we'll be getting artsy, creating banners to hang from the balcony, painting pots and creating gifts for the congregation to give as they leave worship. We need your help to make this day special - no creative skills required, just a good attitude! 

HS Youth Group with 8th graders (6:30-8pm)

This is our one and only rehearsal for Youth Sunday, so we need all 8th-12th graders to attend. We'll walk through the whole service, deciding where people should sit, when to come up to the pulpit, practice on the mic and make sure we have a good flow for the service. Ushers will go over their instructions and serve as tester to see if we can hear/understand everyone even way in the back. 

January 29 

MS Youth Group (5pm)

We'll be back in the PIT tonight after a few weeks off. In small groups, we'll take a look at the scripture for this year's Youth Sunday and then share stories and games together. 

**For the next few weeks, we are inviting our 8th graders to join HS youth group as we plan for Youth Sunday. 8th graders are welcome to come early and participate in MS youth group too or just arrive at 6pm for dinner. 

HS Youth Group with 8th graders (6:30-7:45pm)

Youth Sunday planning continues as we look at the scripture lesson. ALL high schooler and 8th graders are asked to join us!! Youth Sunday is 2/12 and we have a lot of work to do between now and then. Tonight we'll decide on a theme, assign roles and begin writing liturgy.

January 22 


All youth signed up for the ski trip and at least one parent must attend this ski trip meeting. We'll be getting fit for ski boots, going over the schedule and making a group covenant. Please bring a check with your remaining balance. If you do not attend this meeting, you may not be able to go on the trip.

There is no Middle School youth group tonight.


After the ski trip meeting ALL 8TH-12TH GRADERS are asked to join us for dinner where we will begin planning for Youth Sunday. If you are not going on the ski trip, please plan to arrive at 6:30pm.

January 15 


There is NO YOUTH GROUP this weekend. Instead, I hope you'll take time to honor Dr. King by attending worship, volunteering in the community, attending the MLK Day parade, or spending time learning about issues of structural racism.

This year, as in years past, the Mission & Outreach Commission has identified two volunteer projects that we as a church might work on together. The first is at Project Safe Thrift Store to help straighten, sort, etc. It is located at 995 Hawthorne Avenue, Athens and we will be there from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The other option to serve is at the Athens Area Diaper Bank to help count, sort, and wrap diapers that have been donated. To volunteer, please go to and select the “Fill the Diaper Gap with Athens Area Diaper Bank” project.

January 8  


Epiphany is the celebration of God’s presence breaking through to shine as a light in the darkness. The magi who traveled great distances to offer their gifts to the newborn Christ-child were responding to the gift first given to them.  

Just as the magi followed the star to find baby Jesus, bringing their gifts, we are also seeking Jesus, trusting God can and does use many signs to guide us closer to the Divine presence. Tonight, we'll each select a gift, a Star Word, to guide us in the new year.

We'll also be forming new small groups that we'll meet in each week to explore the scripture and bring our community even closer together. 2023 is going to be a great year!

December 18  (5-8pm)

Elf Movie Night

Tonight we'll be up in Fellowship Hall to watch Buddy on the big screen. Wear your favorite Christmas pjs or cozy onesie and bring a sleeping bag or blanket (no, this is not a lock-in) to wrap up in for the movie. We'll have dinner (yes, the classic Elf dinner....) then watch the movie. 

This is for both MS and HS. It's also a great night to bring a friend if you have someone who has been looking for a church home.

Parents are invited to join us for the movie or if you'd like a more reflective time, attend the Service of Longest Night in the Sanctuary at 7pm. 

Please pick up at 8pm FROM THE FRONT OF CHURCH - HANCOCK AVE.  The back parking lot will be full with worshippers.

December 11


Our High School Christmas Party will be at the Ness home (200 Glenwood Drive).

It's a Glitz and Glam Party, so please wear something sparkly or fancy. 

Bring a wrapped gift for the White Elephant gift exchange. Gifts should be no more than $10 (no candy or gift cards - get creative).

We'll start with dinner, then gather around the Christmas tree for gifts, singing and stories.

Parents pick up at 8pm. (There is no MS youth group tonight)

December 4


It's only fitting that this year's Middle School Party will be our 2nd Annual Christmas Chaos Party?!

Youth are asked to dress in red and green festive wear and to bring a wrapped gift for the White Elephant gift exchange. Gifts should be no more than $10 (no candy or gift cards - get creative). 

We'll meet in the PIT at 5pm for games, karaoke and cookie decorating. Dinner will be provided. 

Parents pick up at 7pm.  

(There is no HS youth group tonight)

November 27


At Christmas, God came into our ordinary world in the form of a child, and still today, God is at work through the ordinary moments of life. 

Join us as we decorate the tree, share stories from scripture and  look for God in the everyday, normal stuff

November 20


I hope you have a joyful thanksgiving break. See you next week!


Saturday, November 12

12:00pm     30 HOUR Famine begins

10:00pm     20 HOUR Famine begins

Sunday, November 13

8:00am      10 HOUR Famine begins

10:00am    All participants in the FAST meet in the PIT

Wear comfortable clothes for a day of activities. Bring a water bottle!

6:00pm      Breaking the Fast with a family-style potluck dinner

SIGN UP:      

Learn more: News from the PIT 

November 6


All Saints’ Day is a time to rejoice in all who through the ages have faithfully served the Lord. The day reminds us that we are part of one continuing, living communion of saints.

Tonight in youth group, we'll look at the saints who have impacted our lives. We'll hear stories from ordinary people who have made the world a better place. Then we'll talk about how each one of us is called to share our gifts with others. How might you be a saint to others?

Each person is invited to bring a picture or something that represents someone who has had a big impact on your life. This special person can be still living or in life eternal.

October 30

HS ONLY Youth Group

HS youth group will meet from 6-8pm at the Ness house for a fire pit, Halloween trivia and Fall Potluck. 

Youth are asked to dress in orange and black.

Bring a favorite appetizer to share for dinner.

NO MS Youth Group this week

Because we had such a great time on the Fall Retreat that was all MS (minus 1), we are taking a week off from MS youth group to focus on HS. I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween weekend! MS will be back next week.

October 21-23

Fall Retreat is this weekend! Please keep our youth and adults in your prayers as they head down to St. Simons for a weekend of rest, relaxation and reminders of what it means to be the body of Christ. We are grateful to Courtney Pittman who will be delivering a keynote address and leading worship around the theme of Ubuntu: I am because we are. We depart from the church parking lot at 4:30pm on Friday.

There is NO YOUTH GROUP on Sunday night. 
October 16WHAT IS JUSTICE?In Micah 6:8, we are called to Do Justice (NRSV) and Act Justly (NIV). What does that even mean? How does the world's definition of justice differ from our Christian Biblical understanding? Whose definition should we follow? Tonight we'll continue to discuss our theme for the year and how we can take practical steps to live a more just life, following in the footsteps of Jesus. 
October 9No youth group tonight due to Fall Break for most schools!You are encouraged to spend a little time learning more about the indigenous people who first called Athens their home. The Lord’s Prayer (Native American version)O Great Spirit, Creator of the universe, You are our Shepherd Chief in the most high place. Whose home is everywhere, even beyond the stars and moon. Whatever you want done, let it, also be done everywhere. Give us your gift of bread day by day. Forgive us our wrongs as we forgive those who wrong us. Take us away from wrong doings. Free us from all evil. For everything belongs to you. Let your power and glory shine forever. Amen.This version was written by Hattie Corbett Enos, Nez Perce, great grandmother of Rev. Irvin PorterGifts of Many Cultures, 1995, Maren C. Tirabassi and Kathy Wonson Eddy,United Church Press, Cleveland, OH.
October 2We are excited that our new Interim Associate Pastor, Rev. Leigh Bonner will join middle school youth group tonight as we explore the meaning of World Communion Sunday.  and partake in communion together. Again, we'll break into small groups to look at the different parts of communion: giving thanks, celebrating Christ's sacrifice and remembering Christ's message. Then we'll gather around the Table to break bread together with our own communion service before dinner.High School will break down the true meaning of communion and what it means to be unified as one body in Christ. We won't be breaking bread, but instead baking bread to send in Halloween care packages to our college freshmen. Everyone is encouraged to bring a bag of candy to add to these boxes of love for our college youth!
September 25

MICAH 6:8  Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly with your God.

Tonight we’ll dig a little deeper into the three components of Micah 6:8. What do they mean? How can you explain them to others? We’ll look at different interpretations and talk about why we chose this version as our scripture for the year.

 HS will also be reviewing different options for our summer mission trip. We want your input as we begin to make plans!

Dinner (6-6:30pm)

Thank you to the Bryans and Williams for providing dinner tonight. TACO BAR

We invite you to add Songs of Justice to our 22-23 FPC Spotify Playlist:   
September 18

We were supposed to be up in TN this weekend, but will still try to bring some JOY to our Sunday. 

MS Youth Group (5-6pm) 

Game night - ping pong tournament, corn hole, karaoke, jenga, palace and possibly twister. See you there!

Dinner (6-6:30pm)

Keeping it simple tonight. We'll order pizza!


HS Youth Group  (6:30-7:30pm) 

It's been a busy weekend for yall. Let's just have some fun! We'll play some games and catch up on our weeks. 

September 11Tonight we’ll continue to build our community and find things we have in common through fun team building activities. We'll also start to look at our theme for the year - justice and joy. Where do you see justice in our world? What is our responsibility as Christians to fight injustice? And where do you find joy? How can we spread more joy to others?  
We invite you to add Songs of Joy to our 22-23 FPC spotify Playlist:   
September 4There is no youth group this weekend. September 1 - deadline to sign up for Fall and Winter Retreat!!Please use the online RSVP form to sign up for the Fall and Winter Retreats. Our deadline is 9/1 to secure a spot! A follow up email will be sent to all who say  YES with how to submit payment and deposits.More information about the trips can be found in the PIT Packet.
AUGUST 28MS Youth Group: Please drop off and pick up MS youth at the doors to the Weekday School. All other doors to the building will be locked. Tonight will be about getting to know each other, writing a covenant and exploring the awesome space we have in the PIT. Reminder to pick up your MS at 6:30pm.Dinner: Thanks to the Brooks and Ness families for providing dinner tonight.HS Youth Group: We actually start at 6pm with dinner, so please plan to arrive a little before 6 and meet us in Fellowship Hall. Our program will begin at 6:30pm after dinner. HS youth should park in the lower parking garage, then walk up the stairs to enter through WDS doors. If you are dropping off a HS youth, please use the Weekday School doors. One big change is that we will actually end youth group at 7:30pm. I made a math error in times for HS youth group.. I was planning on 1.5 hours which is why I said 8pm, but forgot we have dinner before. NOTE: HS YOUTH GROUP WILL END AT 7:30PM. Pick up will be from the lower parking garage where the youth drivers will also be parked.
AUGUST 21Now that everyone is back to school, it’s finally time to get youth group started!All youth AND parents are asked to attend a kick off meeting in Fellowship Hall. We'll go over plans for the year, including fall/winter retreats and summer trips. You'll complete paperwork, sign up for trips, and get to catch up over a meal together. It is important that every youth attend and bring at least one parent.This is a potluck meal! The church will provide fried chicken, water/lemonade. Please bring a dish to share. (remember, we are a nut-free church building)See you Sunday! Kim & Erin