News from the PIT

SUMMER 2021 update

Our family just returned from a wonderful 24 day road trip out West. It was great to be outside camping, seeing new places and experiencing new things, but we are all happy to be back home! I hope your family has also been able to find some time to get away. We all need a little escape after this last 18 months!

While we may not have been to take our typical summer youth trips this summer, I hope you will join us for some of the upcoming youth days of service and fellowship:

July 12

Mission Monday

The 2021 mission trip has been tweaked to be a mission DAY. From 9am-2pm, we'll meet up at church to complete a few service projects, enjoy lunch together at Chick-fil-A and talk about what it means to be Matthew 25 church.

July 18

Worship and Work Day

It's been a long time since most of us have been in the Sanctuary. Youth are invited to join me for worship at 10am followed by breakfast at Waffle House. We'll come back to church to do some clean up, organizing work around the building preparing for our Fall kick off.

August 1

Prayer and Pool Party

A new school year is upon us. Let's celebrate the end of summer and pray for the upcoming year. Middle school will meet from 3:00-4:30pm and High School will meet from 4:30-6:00pm at Kim's House.

Please RSVP to all youth events by emailing me at


Thanks to all who filled out the last googleform about summer opportunities. Based on dates with the most available participants, I finally have a plan for summer. Please complete this RSVP form to sign up for both June and July youth events!

June: Kayaking on the Broad River

Tuesday, June 1

Meet at church at 9am. 10am reservation with Broad River Outpost. Bring your own lunch to eat on the river. Return to church by 4pm. I need at least 5 adult chaperones to join me!


July: Local Mission Week

Monday, July 12 – Thursday, July 15

Based on numbers, we are planning for a short week (Monday-Thursday from 9am-2pm, with Sunday evening opening worship). Each day we'll begin at FPC where we’ll learn more about Matthew 25 and how the church can make a greater difference in our community including a daily service project. On the final day we’ll make deliveries to homebound members followed by a pool party!


I'm hoping with details figured out we may have a few more join us.

All information can also be found on our website

Please complete this RSVP form to sign up for both June and July youth events!

Also, don’t forget that THIS SUNDAY is PENTECOST!!

Wear red and join us in person or online for this special day!

MAY 2021

In preparing for the Amazing Race last weekend, I spent time looking back over all we've done during the last 14 months. While moving to Zoom was initially unfamiliar, it quickly became a great way for us to stay connected and use technology to our advantage. If you're like me this last year feels both like a blink and an eternity. Check out this video of some of our highlights then walk through memory lane with A Pandemic Year in Review:



We held our first zoom youth group on March 15, 2020.


Holy Week@Home gift bags were delivered to everyone so we could celebrate Easter in new ways, neighborhood palm parade, egg hunt in pjs!


The first family game night (trivia) was so much fun, we decided to compete monthly as families. In May, it was Disney themed complete with a sing-a-long!


News of George Floyd's murder sparked a national outcry over racial injustices. We responded with an invitation to open our hearts and minds to our own biases and to learn more through the 21 Day Challenge. These conversations ultimately led to our church becoming a Matthew 25 congregation.


One of the biggest disappointments this summer was the cancellation of our youth summer trips. We were all looking forward to weeks in Puerto Rico, Montreat, and Charlotte. Instead, youth were offered the opportunity to participate in a virtual mission trip with one in-person gathering to chalk bomb the food banks with messages of love.


I know all of us were expecting things would get back to "normal" by the time school started, but that was not the case. I was thrilled to see everyone at my house for our drive thru kick off, and grateful to Kate to prepared fresh baked cookies for everyone.


We are six months into the pandemic. With so much loss we focused on finding peace. The high schoolers were able to meet in person, socially distanced and masked around my pool to talk about how we can find peace during such a hard time.


While the church picnic had to be cancelled, we were still able to gather for October themed games and pumpkin carving on the upper parking deck!


One of my favorite shows is Chopped on the Food Network. Thanks to Zoom, families were able to participate in our own Chopped competition with a Thanksgiving theme - what would you make with boxed stuffing mix, canned pumpkin, canned cranberry, and canned green beans?!


On the first Sunday in Advent, families did a drive by at the church to pick up Advent Bags. Included was an intergenerational devotional and different gift with activity for each week of Advent. Of course, there were supplies for our virtual Elf Movie Night - candy cane, candy corn, and syrup!



Yes, it's a new year and yes, the pandemic continues. Clarke County students are still virtual and we are all missing seeing people in person. Grateful for the chance to meet up at the outside Pavilion of the Classic Center for ice skating.


To counter the ice, we met this month at my house around the fire. Middle school and high school youth groups talked about things they lamented from this last year and also things they were grateful for...oh, and there were smores.


It's been a year. 365 days. Advent Boxes of Love were picked up/delivered to all youth. These boxes were filled with spiritual practice tools and the challenge to spend 5 minutes each day connecting with God. It's been a year. 365 days and we need our faith now more than ever. On Palm Sunday we gathered at church to go on a prayer walk around downtown, learning about the needs in our community and praying at the places that Jesus would like be weeping.


This month began with the celebration of Easter! It ended with the celebration of Youth Sunday and honoring of our high school graduates, and a welcoming of our rising 6th graders into Youth Ministry! If you missed the service, I encourage you to go watch on our church YouTube channel. These youth are definitely witnesses to God's amazing love. I am so proud of each one of you!


Here we are in May...14 long, short, crazy, wonderful, painful, peaceful, spirit-filled months. On May 2nd, Scottish Reformation Sunday, we hosted our final family game night of the year - The Amazing Race: Highland Games. Nine teams competed in 12 challenges all around the church building. From writing limericks to tossing a "caber", it was a great night to be together as our last youth group of the school year.


We have two big youth events scheduled for this summer, both requiring RSVP. In March I asked folks to fill out a google form with interest. Now, I need to confirm participation. Please complete this new form by May 16th so I can make final plans. In addition to these scheduled events, I will host a few prayers and pool time gatherings. These invitations will be sent out via Remind. We are also mailing home a Summer@First devotional to the whole congregation focused on Matthew 25. I encourage your family to take time each week to reflect on this new initiative and how you might get involved.


We are planning to go kayaking on the Broad River with Broad River Outpost one day during the first week of June. I will make a reservation and need adult chaperones (1:4 ratio). The cost per person will be $20. Please confirm which dates you are available. I'll choose the date with the most people/chaperones and let you know by May 20th what the plans are.


I am just as disappointed as all of you that we are not able to go on any youth trips this summer. I promise a great summer 2022! Instead, I am offering a local mission week during July 11-18. Due to the amount of planning involved, I need to have a committed number of participants. Please look at your family calendars and use the google form to confirm/decline participation. I am looking at a number of options for when we would meet (all day, half day, full week, weekend) so that we can have the most people participate.

No one is sure what August will look like, but if we've learned anything this year, the church is more than a place. It is the beautiful people who have come together this year to love and support each other from afar. I pray you all have a safe and fun summer and that I see you soon! - Kim

Check out our website ( for updates or email me if you have any question (

APRIL 2021

Spring and summer always seem to get busy, even during COVID times. Each month we are trying to host a big in-person activity for youth, however a lot will depend on sign ups. To help with planning, please take a few minutes to complete this form. Once I have final numbers I'll follow back up with everyone about details for each event.

Please fill this form out by April 1.

Complete a separate form for each child in youth group.

Email me if you have any question (

MARCH 2021

Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.. -Psalm 31:5

I pray that your start to Lent has been a meaningful one. Below this update, you can read more about the Lenten offerings of FPC.

As we move into March, I am again struck by how quickly this year is flying by and also how each day can sometimes feel like an eternity. March 13th, my Kate's birthday, marks the one year anniversary of lockdown. I encourage you to take time this week to reflect on this past year. What have been the biggest struggles? Where did you feel God's presence most loudly? What have been some of the gifts? How have you been changed? Much like the tradition of setting New Year's Resolutions, I wonder if we might be more intentional as we approach a second year of this pandemic - to hold on to family dinners, to reach out to old friends, to cherish Saturdays with nothing to do, to snuggle with the dog, to find time each day with God.

This month we have some fun youth activities planned, both in person and over Zoom. We also will begin planning for Youth Sunday which will be be led by our high school seniors. I hope you will join us!


This Sunday we'll gather on Zoom for another Chopped competition. The theme is A Few of MY Favorite Things, so if you know me well, maybe you'll have an edge in thinking of possible dishes?! Sealed ingredient bags are available at my house for pick up anytime this week. They are in a bin on the front porch. You can pick up your bag whenever, but DO NOT OPEN THE BAG until we're all together on Zoom.

March 14: ZOOM WORSHIP, ONE YEAR LATER (updated)

Sunday marks one year of the pandemic. There is much to lament from this year last year. There is also much for which to be grateful. Join me at 7pm on Zoom for an interactive worship service and time to reflect on this past year.


Due to limited in person seating in the Sanctuary we have decided to make this year's Youth Sunday led only by our High School seniors. Youth Sunday is scheduled for April 25. We'll have our first planning meeting tonight to talk about theme, roles and hopes for this special service. The plan right now is to meet in person up at church, either in the courtyard or in the Sanctuary. Afterwards, those who want to will walk to Ted's for dinner (if weather cooperates).


On this Palm Sunday, youth are invited to join me for a walk through downtown, stopping at different locations to reflect on the life and death of Jesus. Please sign up ahead of time. Dinner will be provided. We'd also like to have a few parents help out for the evening.


I appreciate everyone's patience as we made some hard decisions about summer youth trips. After much prayerful consideration, we have decided not to offer any overnight youth trips this year. While I know things are getting better, there is still so much uncertainty and we did not want to have to wait till the last minute to make decisions. Instead, I can use this time to plan an amazing local mission trip week for you. And you can bank on a full Summer 2022 - Triennium, Middle School Youth Conference, High School Montreat Youth Conference, Puerto Rico Mission Trip!

As you may have heard our church has just joined hundreds of other Presbyterian communities to become a Matthew 25 congregation. What this means is that we are committed to becoming a church of action, focused on love, justice and mercy. You'll be hearing more about this bold new initiative in the coming months, but needless to say, I am super excited!! And so, the theme for this year's mission trip will be based on Matthew 25:31-46. Each day of the week we'll focus on a different aspect of this important charge, from poverty to criminal justice to immigration and the environment. There'll be guest speakers, service activities, and games, but most importantly, we'll discover how YOU as the youth of First Presbyterian Church are being called to serve our community...and then you'll be asked to help lead our congregation into this next chapter of mission.

The mission "trip" will be for the full week of July 12-18, with activities taking place all day on Monday-Saturday. My hope is that our community will be in a better place with regards to the pandemic by then and we'll be able to do most (if not all) the activities in person!! Details are still being worked out and will depend in large part on how many people register. Please take a look at your summer plans and then sign up to join me for our 2021 Mission Trip, BE THE LIGHT.


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and steadfast spirit within me. -Psalm 51:10

The Season of Lent begins this Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. This year, rather than giving something up for Lent, we invite you to use these 40 days to build up your spiritual practices, reconnecting with our awesome God.

The holy days@first devotional has all the information you will need to make this Season of Lent a meaningful one.

Additionally, each youth has been provided with a Lenten Box of Love, filled with tools to help you connect more intentionally with God. The key idea of this box is that we all have an extra 5 minutes. During Lent, you are asked to spend five minutes (sand timer included in box) with God. Sit in silence, listening for God's small still voice. Turn up the music on the Spotify playlist. Use the prayer beads to lift up a those who are hurting. Write down your own prayers in the prayer journal. Go for a walk. There are so many ways to practice your faith. We even created a digital Advent Calendar, but for Lent. It begins this Wednesday. Each day, log on to the website to open a new window. Instead of chocolate you'll find a micropractice, a brief way you might stop and focus on your faith.

We had all hoped (expected, frankly) that we'd be back together in person by now. But as we begin another Season of Lent at Home, may we each take this gift of time to prepare, renew and energize ourselves for the coming Christ - Easter!

**If you have not picked up your Lenten Box of Love yet, they are waiting for you up at church. Stop by between 9:30-4:30 to pick yours up. I'll also have them available at my house for the in-person youth group next Sunday (remember to RSVP if you plan to attend).**


So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 13:13

This month we focus on LOVE! How do we share love with our brothers and sisters? How do we practice self love? How do we intentionally connect with God's abundant love? As we all grow weary of the "unprecedented times", let's turn our attention to love and be refreshed.

I know I promised an update about summer plans in last month's email, but this has been a hard one. I have sadly decided to cancel the Charlotte Mission Trip. Instead, we'll gather for a local mission experience during the week of July 12-18. Stay tuned for more information and registration.

At this point Montreat is still trying to figure out what the youth conferences will look like this summer. We are currently scheduled to attend Week 1 (June 6-12), however I have not finalized housing and am uncertain whether it makes sense to go this year or not. If you have a current 8th grader through high school senior, please take a minute to complete this quick survey. I'll be online gathering with other youth directors this week to talk about summer plans, and will meet with Education Commission next week to make a final decision. Thank you for your patience and support.


Please plan to drive by the church parking deck on Sunday, February 7th between 4-6pm to pick up a Lenten Box of Love! Much like the Advent Bags, we have created wonderful Lenten boxes for each youth. Included are tools to help you connect more intentionally with God during this Season of Lent. Due to the size of these boxes, I cannot mail them and am unable to do deliveries. We really want to see your faces in person, so please make sure you block off a few minutes on Sunday to stop by.

As an added bonus, we'll have Valentines' treat bags for you too! Can't wait to see you!

February 14: NO YOUTH GROUP

Happy Valentine's Day!!

February 17: ASH WEDNESDAY

There will be noon Ash Wednesday service in the Sanctuary today with limited in person capacity. The service will be live streamed on Facebook and Youtube, so you can watch together as a family later that night as well. AND, we are also offering a drive by administering of the ashes from 5-6pm.


Last month we gathered on ice; this month, we'll meet around the fire at Kim's house (200 Glenwood Drive, Athens). Bring your own tailgate chair and join our circle around fire pits as we prepare for the Season of Lent. Individual s'mores kits also to be provided! Please RSVP. Masks required.

Middle School 6:30-7:20pm High School 7:30-8:30pm

February 28: FAMILY GAME NIGHT - updated

The last time we were all together in the PIT was for my birthday one year tomorrow (3/1)! The streamers were still hanging in December when I finally got back in the building to clean up for Family Promise. Since then we've missed so many birthday celebrations - join me for a birthday themed Chopped Challenge based on a few of MY favorite things! I'll have sealed bags of ingredients waiting for pick up at my house anytime during the week (2/21-28). They'll be waiting in a bin by the basketball court. Just stop by to pick it up before Sunday night, but no peeking!


Zoom ID: 725-346-682


An epiphany is a sudden understanding or illumination of something. Epiphanies are spiritually inspired, much as if we have emerged from the dark and are now in the light, able to see life's colors.

If you remember at the first youth group in 2020 we each drew EPIPHANY WORDS from a basket and hammered them onto metal bracelets. These words were meant to guide and inspire us for the year. My word was COMBINE? At the time I was very confused as to what that could possibly mean, but hindsight is 2020 - ha! Now I can see that God was reminding me of my ability to bring people together, to unite for a common purpose, specifically around issues of justice and the church. Since March we have been coming together weekly over Zoom for youth group and family game nights. Many weeks it was the only interaction I had with those outside my immediate family, and it was a lifesaver. Seeing your smiling faces and hearing about your weeks reaffirmed my love for youth ministry. So thank you. Looking back, how was your word realized in 2020?

As I began to prepare for this year, I decided to give the epiphany word another try. The word I was gifted this year is EMPATHY: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. What I am feeling from you all is a mixture of fear and hope, comfort and anxiety, peace and boredom...but mostly just uncertainty. What will this year look like? When will things return to "normal"? How am I called to live out my Christian life when there are so many unknowns. My prayer, however, is that woven within all these contrasting feelings is the knowledge that you are never alone. God is always there, right beside us in this beautiful, hard, mixed up world!

I invite you to take a minute and see what word God has in store for you: Epiphany Word Wheel.

My goal this semester is to help bring peace and calm, connection and comfort to our youth. Rather than meet weekly over zoom, we are switching to 1/month in person gatherings and 1/month family game night. In addition, Caroline and I are both available to meet over zoom for 1:1 conversations, Bible study or book studies. All you have to do is reach out and let us know. We would also like to be able to support you outside of church - dance recitals, sporting events, plays, etc. so please let us know if there's an event where we can come cheer you on. Be sure to check the Youth Group tab for more information about upcoming gatherings.

Lastly, I wanted to let you know that I will be posting information on SUMMER PLANS later this month and sending a separate email with all the details. Thank you for your patience. Blessings to all as we begin a new year together surrounded by God's grace.

January 10: 2021 YOUTH GROUP KICK OFF

Middle School and High School youth are invited to join me at the Classic Center for an evening of ice skating. Masks required. You must RSVP to attend. Deadline is Saturday at noon so tickets can be purchased. $5/person


There is no youth group tonight. Instead, I hope you will join us online for a virtual MLK Day Ecumenical Worship Service. Our own Dr. Baer will be preaching this year. More information to be provided.


We hope families will come out to serve today in honor of Dr. King. FPC has selected four sites where we are encouraging members to attend so we might service together: JJ Harris, Cleveland Road, Books for Keeps and Mae Willie Morton Community Garden; though there are many sites and volunteer activities available today. Note: You must pre-register.


Our church celebrated her 200th birthday on 12/25/2020. 200 years! A lot has happened since our founding. How good is your trivia knowledge of the last 200 years?!? Tonight's family game night will be quizzing you on the stories, songs and souls from the last 20 decades! Feel free to invite grandparents to join us on zoom for this epic brain battle.

January 31: NO YOUTH GROUP


The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. - Buddy, the Elf

This month, we are going to talk about JOY. In the midst of this pandemic, having to reimagine the Christmas season with social distance restrictions, how to hold on to joy? Advent is a gift. It is a time to slow down and focus on what is truly important - hope, peace, joy and love. I pray the Advent-in-a-Bag will help your family find time to stop and reflect on the magic of this season and remember how much each of you is so very loved.


It seems like forever since we've been together. Tonight Middle School and High School youth groups will meet online to talk about what brings them joy and how they plan to spread joy this Christmas. We'll also look at the Advent devotional based on Maya Angelou's poem, Amazing Peace and explore where we've found moments of peace this year. MS will meet at 5pm (843-3066-1223). High School will meet at 8pm (725-346-682).


You are never too old to experience the joy of a Live Nativity. This year, we've transformed it into a Drive By version. Load up the family and cruise by the front of the church on Tuesday from 6-8pm. There'll be members dressed up like figures from the story you all know so well, live animals and maybe even a camel! You won't want to miss it!


Go ahead and open up Week 3 of your Advent gifts so you can get ready for Elf movie night. Put on your favorite Christmas pjs, pull up a comfy chair and log in to Zoom for a 2020 version of our annual tradition. Yes, it will be different this year, but nothing can stop the joy that is Buddy, the Elf. We'll meet from 7-9pm (Zoom ID: 725-346-682).


Join your church family for a DRIVE-BY 200th Birthday Celebration in front of the church on Hancock Avenue from 5-7pm. We'll provide cupcakes straight to your car and have the steps aglow with 200 luminaries. You'll also have an opportunity to donate to the Bicentennial/Christmas Eve Offering. Feel free to decorate your car to show your church love!


I hope you'll join us for Christmas Eve service. We have three services this year - 4pm, 6pm and 8pm. The 4pm service will be a special Family Service with 5th graders helping to tell the Advent Godly Play Story. 6pm and 8pm will both be traditional candlelight Christmas Eve Services. There is limited in person worship, but you must reserve your seat through the church website. 4pm and 6pm will also be live streamed on Facebook and Youtube.

December 25

Merry Christmas!!

December 27

No youth group tonight.

SUMMER 2021?!

Fill out this interest survey to help me plan.

I am still grieving all the cancelled plans from last summer (VBS, Puerto Rico, Montreat, Charlotte mission trip), but it's time to start thinking about next summer. None of us know what this virus is going to do. And if we've learned anything, we have to be flexible, but that shouldn't stop us from trying to get a few dates on the calendar to look forward to. Before I book anything, I need to know interest.


I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. - Psalm 9:1

This month, we are going to talk about GRATITUDE. What does it mean to have a grateful heart? How do we focus on being thankful when things are hard? Where do our blessings come from? What does the Bible tell us about being grateful?

November 1

No youth group tonight.

November 8

We will start our month of Gratitude with Middle School and High School youth groups meeting online. MS will meet at 5pm (843-3066-1223). High School will meet at 8pm (725-346-682). If you'd like to invite a friend to join us, tonight would be a great opportunity to introduce them to our welcoming youth groups! If you've not been in a while, we've missed you! Caroline and I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday night!

November 15

Today is Thanksgiving Food Bag Sunday. I hope your family has taken some time to fill up a bag or two for the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank. The need is higher this year than any in the past! In normal years, today is when youth participate in the 30 Hour Famine. While we won't be organizing a day of learning about hunger and homelessness, you can still sign up to serve. We also are looking for volunteers to help load, unload and drive all the Thanksgiving Food Bags from FPC to the Food Bank. See this signupgenius for more information.

Tonight is our monthly Family Game Night - Chopped Edition! We'll start the night off with some trivia, followed by a Chopped cooking contest. Yes, just like the show on Food Network, families will be given a mystery basket of ingredients to prepare a dish, then will compete against other families over Zoom to determine who made the best dessert (we're skipping appetizer and entree rounds). RSVP by 11/11 to reserve your spot. Pick up your "basket" on lucky Friday, November 13th from Kim's house (200 Glenwood Drive, Athens)

November 22

No youth group tonight, but everyone is encouraged to come together with our Athens community for the annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Service. In a year when so much has been falling apart, we find ourselves grateful for those in our community who’ve worked hard to hold things together, pick up the pieces, and work toward healing. Join us for an uplifting service filled with music and inspirational remarks from a diverse group of musicians and speakers. Join that Athens community at 4pm (Zoom ID: 943 5058 3240 Passcode: Unity)/

November 26

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 29

It's the 1st Sunday in Advent! We have been working really hard these last few weeks to prepare for this Season of waiting. We know it will be different, but we still want it to be meaningful. Since we won't be meeting in person for youth group to reflect on the coming Christ, we have prepared something special for each family: Advent-in-a-Bag. Included is a devotional, gifts, goodies and activities for you to complete each week. We have one with your name on it waiting to be picked up. On Sunday, November 29th, you are asked to drive by the church (upper parking) deck from 3-6pm to pick up your gift. Please make every effort to stop by - it will be a little gift to me to see everyone's smiling faces (and save me from making dozens of deliveries the following week)!


What does the Lord require of me? To seek JUSTICE...

This month, we turn our focus to the question of justice. What does it mean to seek justice? What is justice? What does the Bible say about injustice? Join us for a kick off game night on the 4th where we'll begin to answer some of these questions, then come back on the 11th as learn more and dig deeper. It is Fall after all, so I am also trying to plan something safe and outside for all youth to gather. I miss seeing your smiling faces, and pray that you are all healthy and happy. If I've not seen you in a while, please send me an email or text to let me know how you're doing.

October 4

We will have combined middle school and high school youth group tonight for Youth Only Game Night: What is justice? Join us for a friendly competition to determine who knows more about all things related to being just, fighting for justice, understanding justice, and maybe some justice league! Before we meet, youth are asked to quickly fill out this form which will be incorporated into one of the rounds! 7pm on Zoom: 725-346-682

October 11

Let's talk about my favorite verse from scripture: Micah 6:9. What does the Lord require of you? But to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God. Both Middle School and High School will meet online for small group discussions. MS will meet at 5pm (843-3066-1223). High School will meet at 7pm (725-346-682).

October 18

Instead of Zoom Family Game Night, this month families will gather in person for a game night focused on pumpkins, Halloween trivia and socially distanced charades! We'll meet on the upper church parking deck (lower if raining) on Sunday, October 18th from 5:30-7pm. We can safely accommodate 15 families. Masks required. I'll have tables set up for each family with pumpkins. Bring your own carving supplies! One person from each family must RSVP to reserve your spot.

October 25

Today is Confirmation Sunday!! We will recognize this class of 9th-10th graders during worship in the morning, then celebrate with them that evening in person. There is NO HS youth group tonight.

Middle School will still meet online at 5pm for more games and talks around issues of social justice.

September 22, 2020

Happy 1st Day of Fall! And congratulations to the Queen family for winning last week's Name That Tune Family Game Night!

This week, middle school will meet at 5pm over Zoom to talk about what it means to be a peacemaker, looking especially at the Prayer of St. Francis. High School will have another opportunity to meet in person - at church in Fellowship Hall from 7-8pm. You MUST RSVP using this google form to attend. The night will be focused on inner peace - experiencing spiritual practices that you can use everyday to stay grounded and connected to God.

Lastly, please mark your calendar for the next Parent Support Circle on September 28 at 8pm. These gatherings are a chance for us parents to just be together, hear how everyone is doing and be reminded that we are not alone. Other dates: September 28, October 12, October 26, November 9, November 30. Zoom ID: 825-5502-5512

September 19, 2020

I just finished up the plans for tomorrow night's Family Game Night and am very excited to share it with yall.

This month we have been focused on PEACE, using the Prayer of St. Francis as our starting point. The first line, "Lord, make me an instrument..." will be our inspiration for a Name That Tune inspired Game. No musical talent required!

Log in to Zoom a little before 7pm to get situated. You'll be competing as a family and will need paper and pencil.

See you then, Kim

Zoom ID: 725 346 682


Check out all the ways you can get involved at FPC this year - worship, fellowship, adult education, children and youth, mission and outreach, spiritual practices


Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE...

This month, we will focus on what it means to be a peacemaker. How do we find peace within ourselves and our relationships with others? How do we create peace within our community and the larger world? Join us each week on Sunday nights as we gather and grow together. Check the Youth Group tab for more details on each night. In worship on September 13th, we will also begin preaching using the Narrative Lectionary, starting with Genesis. In each of your goodie bags is a devotional you can use with your family to explore the scripture further. During this time apart, I am continuing to look for ways we can feel connected. If you have ideas, please let me know! I am also working on a Senior Social night for sometime this Fall!

September 13

Tonight will be our first official youth group of the new school year. While many of you have participated in youth over the summer, we have some new and returning youth members joining us so its time for get-to-know you games, group norms and teambuilding. We also have a new college intern, Caroline Hurst, who will be serving with FPC this year who I am excited for you to meet. Middle School Youth Group will meet at 5pm over Zoom. High School Youth Group will meet in person this week, but you must RSVP to attend.

September 20

It's a play on words, but the Prayer of St. Francis starts with Lord, make me an instrument, so I figured we needed a music-inspired game night!? Think Name That Tune with a possible dose of optional karaoke and family sing-a-longs. Musical prodigies and tone deaf fans all welcome.

September 27

To give us a chance to get to know each other better and have more conversations, we will trying out small groups this year using the breakout rooms on Zoom. Middle School Youth Group over Zoom at 5pm. High School Youth Group over Zoom at 7pm.

September 30

Last thing for the month is the restart of Confirmation Class 2020! See yall on Zoom at 8pm.


This crazy year in youth ministry

Normally by this time, I have a full year of youth ministry activities planned - a lovely, detailed calendar with a sign up for Summer trips. We'd have gathered for our kickoff Potluck, reconnecting after a summer of travel. School would be under way, and we would be getting ready for our Fall whitewater rafting would feel exciting as we started to fill in dates on our planners.

This year, in so many ways, is different.

I do not have any Summer 2021 trips booked, nor will we be taking on the rapids this Fall. We are still online for worship, Sunday School and youth group. And I am working on a month- by-month basis for all youth programming. For those who know me well, this spontaneous, one-day-at-a-time way is not comfortable for me. However, one of the gifts I have found during the last five months is the power of letting go.

This year, I will put my full faith in God to lead the way.

There is no handbook for how to do ministry during a pandemic, and so I circled back to our mission: to draw youth into a JOURNEY OF FAITH, prepare them for LIFELONG DISCIPLESHIP, and inspire them to carry the LOVE OF CHRIST to Athens and the world. Whether we are online for the full year or meeting socially distanced in small groups, we can do this. What matters is that we stay connected to each other and to our God, learning new ways to strengthen our faith and make an impact on the world.

This year, we will work together to live out this mission.

I expect things will change often?! To stay updated on youth activities, please make sure you are signed up for REMIND. I will also post information on the youth website and send weekly emails. Most of the time I will be working from home, but please email or text me if you need anything. While I know it is going to be very different, I must admit to feeling excited about all the possibilities we have ahead.

This year, we will discover God in new ways.


We will not hold regular Sunday School classes this year. Instead, each family has been provided with the Narrative Lectionary @Home family devotional. I encourage you to find time each Sunday to sit down as a family to learn more about the day’s scripture lesson, reflecting on how it connects to your life today.


Because last year’s confirmation class was interrupted by quarantine, we will not be starting a new confirmation class this year. Instead, I am excited to get this great group of now 9th/10th graders back together to hear how their faith has been impacted by these uncertain times. We have four more sessions scheduled, before confirmands meet with Session to present their statements of faith. Confirmation Sunday is now October 25th!


One positive from this time at home was that we were able to continue with online youth group throughout the summer. From game nights to prayer services and 21 Day Challenges, Sunday nights with youth group were the highlight of the last five months for me. We will continue with this same format moving into Fall. Be sure to check our website ( for details on each of the following gatherings:


On the first Sunday of the month, we will meet together (6th-12th) for an introduction to the month’s theme. This may include games, service opportunities or possibly movie night. September: PEACE, October: JUSTICE, November: GRATITUDE, December: JOY.


Twice a month, middle school youth (6th-8th) will meet over zoom for a “lesson” followed by small groups using breakout rooms. Each week will be a little different, but all will include a time for checking in, games, activities and learning new spiritual practices. Feel free to invite your friends to join us for this fun time together!


High schoolers (9th-12) will have an opportunity to meet 1/mo in person, socially distanced, outside and 1/mo on zoom. Youth must RSVP for in person meetings. This fall we will focus on issues of social justice and how we can make a difference.


Game night was a huge success this summer, and we are excited to continue. From trivia to charades to scavenger hunts, anything is possible. The goal is fun and fellowship. See you there!


Please make sure you and your youth are signed up to receive REMIND texts. We will also be posting updates on our website each week, so bookmark For other questions, contact Kim Ness, Director of Youth Ministries ( or 706-206-9579).


I am really looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday for our Drive-thru Youth Kick Off. I have a great bag of goodies compiled to help get this weird year started. Masks and tic tacs, post-its and pencils, pop up cards and stickers to name just a few. Come anytime between 4-6pm on Sunday. We have a circular driveway so enter by the mailbox and pull on through. We can visit for a bit from 6ft away, while you enjoy a warm chocolate chip cookie! See you then...

200 Glenwood Drive, Athens


As of today, I think everyone except Clarke County has gone back to school, whether virtually or in person. I have been lifting each one of you up in prayers daily and hope that the transition back to school has gone smoothly. This is going to be a year that we will never forget!

Unlike previous years, I am working on a month-by-month basis for youth programming. Please take time this week to complete this google form with updated Contact information, Parent Permission, Medical Consent and your thoughts about church programming for the Fall.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday night for youth group!

8/16 Middle School Youth Group at 5pm (Zoom ID: 491-183-606)

High School Youth Group at 8pm (Zoom ID: 725-346-682)

8/23 Family Game Night at 8pm (Zoom ID: 725-346-682)

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

8/30 Youth Group Drive-thru Fall Kick-Off from 4-6pm at Kim's house


I had my two week post-op appointment today and if it was a thing, I am sure that I would have received 5 gold stars! This surgery is truly unbelievable. Fourteen days ago I couldn't even walk and today I can walk unassisted (though I'm supposed to be using a cane for a few more weeks). There is certainly pain, but as they say, it's good pain as my body learns to walk again and I wake up the muscles from my back to my toes. I am so very grateful for each of your prayers, for the cards and dinners and for the amazing staff at Athens Orthopedic Clinic. While I still have a few more weeks of recovery, I am working on plans for our youth ministry to kick off in a few weeks.

Please take some time this week to complete this google form with updated Contact information, Parent Permission, Medical Consent and your thoughts about church programming for the Fall.

Lastly and most importantly, I want to lift each of YOU up in prayer as we begin another school year, especially our Oconee County youth who start back tomorrow.

To our families, students and school leaders:

Go into the world, your schools, your homes and be Christ’s light!

Let your lights not be diminished in the midst of change. Let them find ways to shine even brighter.

Be the light of love to all.

Be the light of patience when days are long, when technology does not work, when new ways of doing things are hard.

Be the light to shine on new ideas and new ways of learning.

Be thankful for the lights of others who work hard to create fun, engaging, and challenging ways to lead our students.

Be the light of joy for a new school year, new friends, and new ways of learning.

You are the light of the world!

Go into the world and shine bright with kindness, patience, energy and love!


8/12 Session meeting

8/16 Middle School Youth Group at 5pm

High School Youth Group at 8pm

8/23 Family Game Night (Are you smarter than a 5th grader?) at 8pm

8/30 Combined MS/HS youth group