Matthew 25

Dismantling Structural Racism

21 Day Challenge

This challenge invites you to do something every day to raise your awareness of race, power, and privilege. You will be introduced to voices and perspectives different than your own through articles, videos, and podcasts. 

Each day you will choose one way of engagement and reflect in a journal. From the countless resources available, we have pulled together a list of 50 options to choose from, with additional resources listed at the bottom of the page. At the end of the challenge, there will be opportunities to gather  in small groups on Zoom to share our reflections. 

Before you begin, please sign the pledge to the right.

There is so much information available, it is hard to know where to start. I have used a model originally designed by Eddie Moore’s 21 day challenge and Myers' Park Presbyterian Church along with resources found in the Facebook Group Be The Bridge to compile a list of resources that will hopefully be meaningful for youth and adults, for those who are well read on issues of race and for those who this is your first time. I am grateful to all who have sent me suggestions and will continue to add to the Other Resources section with new material.


Once people start to learn about white privilege and America’s systems of oppression through history, they often ask, “Why didn’t I see this sooner?” It’s easy to overlook what we’re not looking for. Once you understand the phenomenon of selective noticing, take yourself on a noticing adventure.

Test your Awareness

Watch TV tonight, then ask yourself: 

Who is and is not represented in ads?

What is the racial mix of the main characters in your favorite TV shows? 

Think about the last five books you read. 

What is the racial mix of the authors?

How were characters of color portrayed compared to characters who were white? 

Think back to a typical week pre-pandemic. 

What was the the racial composition of the people around you? 

What percentage of the day were you able to be with people of you same racial identity?

Notice your neighborhood and surrounding community.

How is housing arranged? 

Who lives near the downtown commerce area and who does not? 

What is the density of a given neighborhood? 

Can you correlate any of this to racial identity? 


Please take some time before Friday, June 19 to learn about this important day not only in African American history, but in American history. 

Here are a few resources to get you started:

I wonder how your community is celebrating this day? I wonder how your family might honor its meaning?


I am committed to journaling about what I read, watch, and hear. I encourage you to do the same with this tracking journal - check off the type of learning and take a minute to reflect.

If you are interested in following my journey, I have made it public here