News from the PIT

News from the PIT April 2024.pdf
News from the PIT MAR 2024.pdf
News from the PIT 2 24.pdf
News from the PIT 1 24.pdf
News from the PIT 12 23.pdf
News from the PIT NOV 2023.pdf
News from the PIT Oct 2023.pdf
News from the PIT Sept 2023.pdf

AuGust 27

Fellowship Hall was packed with 100 youth and parents on Sunday night for our kickoff potluck dinner. Food, friendship and fun was in abundance! The theme this year is Pieces of Faith. We opened the night with a conversation about what that means in light of our mission statements and core beliefs. I wonder which core belief you think is most important to youth ministry? 

I shared this powerpoint, which covers most of the information provided in the Pit Packet. If you have questions, please email me at The first youth group meeting will be September 10th! 

Before then, here's your homework:

Have a wonderful weekend! Can't wait to see you back in the PIT in only two weeks....

Miss Kim

If you're wondering what we've done in the past, I invite you to take some time to check out previous newsletters under the drop down menu.