FNMI History and Current Affairs

Groups of First Nation People

  • Woodlands First Nations

  • Iroquoian First Nations

  • Plains First Nations

  • Plateau First Nations

  • Pacific Coast First Nations

  • Mackenzie and Yukon River Basin First Na on

  • Metis

  • Inuit

Find information about their assigned group and produce an illustrated report showing

• A map of where in North America this group lived

• A list of the names of the First Nations peoples who lived in this region

• What kind of foods they ate

• How they preserved these foods for winter and travel

• The style of houses they lived in

• How they keep their culture and values alive today

• Places you could visit to learn more about this group of First Nations People

• A list of good websites that have interesting and reliable information about this group

"When European colonizers arrived on American soil, they were escaping religious persecution at home. The United States of America was a land of religious freedom, but this freedom is continuously denied from its first inhabitants." POSTED BY NATHAN GLOVER