Indigenous Arts and Culture RESOURCES


Below you will find a link to an Indigenous owned online store in southern Ontario where you can purchase a variety of supplies related to FNMI Arts and Culture.

Visual Art

Artist Christi Belcourt, Artist describes 'Giniigaaniimenaaning' ("our future, the future generations" in English), and tells the story of the Indian Residential Schools and the reconciliation efforts told on the glass.


Native American Flute

Ojibwe - Morning Prayer Song


Thanksgiving Address in the Mohawk language

Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen ne Kanonhweratónhsera (The Thanksgiving Before All Else) Spoken by Karonhyawake Jeff Doreen, May 30, 2013

Words from Traditional Peoples in North America

"Some similarities among the three recordings ABOVE were that all of the languages were very colourful and painted with descriptive imagery for the listener. I have learned a bit of Mohawk and I have been told that speaking the language is like telling a story - even in just one sentence. The words build atop of one another which really makes sense and there is no wasted space or meaning. Belcourt's Metis dot art is a lovely representation of the history of FNMI people and Giniigaanimenaaning again is more of a sentence than one meaningless word. Another similarity is that all of the speeches are about real things, such as land, fish, grandmothers, strawberries and medicines. I find being thankful and thinking of these simple things make us humble. It forces us to think of ourselves as the same as these things - not better or worse." -Catarina Miranda

"Earth, Roots, Elders, Elements and Past and Present. There are additional themes of Animals, Plants, Medicines, Thankfulness, Love, Traditional Knowledge and the Impact of Residential Schools." -Carol McCurrie