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Our Beliefs

1. Each and every individual belonging to any section of society is entitled to a high-quality education, grounded in sensitivity to individual dignity, professional integrity, in a positive and nurturing environment.

2. Teaching and learning should be informed by scholarly research with effective practices.

3. Technology should be used to improve the quality of teaching and learning, research and fellowship, and its outreach at the international global scientific platform.

4. An inspired student continues learning, develops strength of character and spirit of philanthropy with unwavering courage throughout his/her life.

Our Mission

The Department of Physics is committed to excellence in the education of its undergraduate students in core as well as related areas that encompass understanding of physical concepts, the generation and dissemination of new scientific knowledge involving physical principles and their applications. Its objective is to have a beneficial impact on the society and nation at large, while enhancing the quality of teaching and research.

The mission of the department is to provide student-centred education, with emphases on:

1. Strengthening basic concepts of physics and opening ways to apply them effectively in different scientific and technological fields.

2. Exposing the students to in–depth knowledge of physics and equipping them with mathematical and analytical abilities in order to prepare them for post graduate studies and subsequently honing their skills as future scientists of our nation.

3. Developing experimental skills of the students so that they may cope-up with the demands of technological advancements up to the cutting edge levels.

4. Enhancing student’s skills in scientific writing and expressions that are essentially required for various scientific fora.