Semester II

PAPER IV (THEORY) (50 periods) Paper Code: PHYH203


(i) KINETIC THEORY OF GASES: Maxwell’s distribution law for velocity and energy of gaseous molecules, Experimental verification of the distribution law (Stern method), Law of equipartition of kinetic energy, Mean free path and probability distribution of free path for gas molecules, Maxwell’s expression for mean free path, Transport phenomena – conduction, viscosity and diffusion.

(ii) REAL GASES: Derivation of Van der Waal’s equation of state by Virial theorem, Critical constants of a Van der Waal’s gas, Law of corresponding states, Joule-Thomson porous plug experiment and its consequences, Temperature of inversion and its significance in the case of real gases.

(iii) THERMODYNAMICS: Carnot’s engine, reversible and irreversible processes, reversibility of Carnot’s cycle, Carnot’s theorem, Absolute scale of temperature.

(iv) SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: Different statements, concept of entropy, Clausiuss’ inequality, T-dS equation, Maxwell’s thermodynamical relations and their applications, Clausius-Clapeyron’s relation.

(v) THERMODYNAMICAL POTENTIAL: Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs function, Enthalpy and chemical potential

(vi) CHANGE OF PHASE: Triple point, phase transition of second order, Thermodynamic equation of heterogeneous system and Gibbs’ phase rule, One and two component systems. Ehrenfest equation, third law of thermodynamics, Nernst heat theorem and its experimental verification.

(vii) RADIATION: Concept of black body, black body radiation, Stefan’s law, and determination of Stefan’s constant, pressure due to radiation, Energy distribution in black body radiation, Derivation of Planck’s law, Derivation of Wien’s displacement law and Rayleigh-Jean’s law using Planck’s Law, Solar constant and its determination.


1. A Treatise on Heat by Saha & Srivastava.

2. Heat & Thermodynamics by Chakraborty, P.K.

3. Fundamental of Classical & Statistical Thermodynamics by Roy, B.N.

4. Thermal & Statistical Mechanics by Roy, S.K.

5. Heat and Thermodynamics by Zemansky

PAPER V (THEORY) (50 periods) Paper Code: PHYH204


(i) INTERFERENCE AND INTERFEROMETERS: Interference in thin films, Colour of thin films, Newton’s ring, Michelson’s interferometer – theory and applications, visibility and sharpness of fringes, Febry-Perot interferometer – theory and its applications.

(ii) DIFFRACTION: Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction, Half period zones, Rectilinear propagation of light, Zone plate, Diffraction due to a straight edge, Fraunhoffer diffraction due to a single slit, double slit and N-slits, Plane transmission grating.

(iii) RESOLVING POWER: Rayleigh’s criterion of limit of resolution, resolving power of telescope, microscope, prism spectrometer and grating spectrometer.

(iv) POLARISATION: Double refraction, Nicol prism, Retardation plates – quarter- and half- wave plates, Production and detection of plane, circularly and elliptically polarized light, Babinet’s compensator – theory and its applications in the analysis of elliptically polarized light.


(i) Series solution of 2nd order differential equation, Legendre, Bessel and Hermite differential equations and their solutions.

(ii) Linear vector space: linear vector space, basis, closure, Examples of linear vector space, Linear operators and its matrix representation, Eigen value and Eigenvectors of a matrix.


a. Introduction to Geometrical and Physical Optics by Mathur, B.K.

b. Optics by Ghatak, A.

c. Optics by Brijlal & Subhramnyam

d. Fundamentals of optics by Jenkins & White

e. Mathematical Methods in Physical Sciences by M. Boas

f. Mathematical Physics by Butkov.

g. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by Weber & Arfken.

h. Mathematical Physics by Ghatak, Goyal & Chua

i. Mathematical Physics by Rajput. B.S.

j. Mathematical Physics by Gupta, B.D.

PAPER VI Paper Code: PHYH20P


(i) Determination of thermal conductivity by Lee’s disc apparatus.

(ii) Determination of viscosity of gas by Rankine’s apparatus.

(iii) Determination of Stefan’s constant.

(iv) Determination of wavelength of sodium light using Newton’s ring.

(v) Determination of refractive index of the material of the prism.

(vi) Determination of wavelength of sodium light using a biprism on optical bench.