Semester IV

PAPER X (THEORY) (60 periods) Paper Code: PHYH407


(i) Review of Kirchoff’s laws, Mesh and loop analysis methods in solving electrical networks, Concept of phasor and phasor diagram, General theory of moving coil aperiodic and ballistic galvanometer and their applications. General theory of a two-winding transformer and its phasor diagram, Auto-transformer.

(ii) 3-phase balanced system, star and delta connections, interrelationships and transformation, Rotating magnetic field and single phase induction motor

(iii) Order of a network, Driven and un-driven second order passive network (RLC) in time domain, Steady state analysis of a second order passive network(RLC),

(iv) AC bridges – Schering bridge, Anderson bridge (with vector diagram) and Carey-Foster bridge.

(v) Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson effects, Thermoelectric power, Thermoelectric diagram, Experimental determination of Peltier and Thomson coefficients, Application of thermodynamics to thermoelectric circuits.


Basic condition for plasma existence, Concept of Debye length, Particle orbit and drift velocities in a plasma in homogeneous and inhomogeneous

magnetic fields, Magnetic moments and its constancy, Magnetic mirrors


1. Textbook of Electrical Technology by Theraja, B.L.

2. Electrical Technology by Cotton.

3. Electricity & Magnetism by Tayal, D.C.

4. Electricity & Magnetism by Tewari, K.K.

5. Theory & Problems in Circuit Analysis by Iyer.

6. Electromagnetism: Theory and Application by Pramanik, A.

7. Electricity & Magnetism by Fewks and Yarwood

8. Circuit Theory by Chakrabarty A.

9. Electrodynamics by Gupta Kumar

10. Plasma Physics by S.N.Sen

PAPER XI(THEORY) (60 periods) Paper Code: PHYH408


Generalized co-ordinates and momenta, Hamilton’s principle of least action, Lagrange and Hamilton’s equation of motion (derivation and application to simple physical problem), Cyclic co-ordinates, Conversion laws, Canonical transformations, Poisson’s bracket, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and application to harmonic oscillator, Motion in central field, Kepler’s laws, two-particle motion in a central field, Collisions, Centre of mass and laboratory frames, Rutherford scattering, Differential scattering cross-section, Rotating frame of reference, Centrifugal and Coriolis forces, Moments of inertia, Product and principal moment of inertia, Euler’s equations of motion for a rotating body, Euler’s angles, Motion of a symmetric top in gravitational field.

NUMERICAL METHODS : Solution of cubic and biquadratic equation, bisection, regula falsi and Newton Raphson method. Iteration method and its convergence Difference table, symbolic operators, Differences of a fractional, representation of a polynomial by factorials, Forward, Backward and Central difference, integration by trapezoid and Simpson’s rule, solution of first order differential equations using Runge-Kutta method, Gauss-Siedel method and method of elimination for numerical solution of a system of linear equations


1. Classical Mechanics by Gupta & Kumar.

2. Classical Mechanics by Goldstein.

3. Introduction to Classical Mechanics by Takwale &.Puranik

4. Classical mechanics by Leech

5. Classical Mechanics by Rana &Joag

6. Computer oriented Numerical methods by V.Rajaraman

7. Numerical Methods for Engineers - S.C.Chapra and R.P Canale.

8. Differences and Numerical Analysis by P.P.Gupta and G.S. Mallik



(i) Determination of figure of merit of moving coil aperiodic galvanometer.

(ii) Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter using potentiometer.

(iii) Determination of ballistic constant of a moving-coil ballistic galvanometer.

(iv) Measurement of inductance using Anderson’s bridge.

(v) Studies on steady-state response of a second order passive circuit and determination of its performance parameters.