Semester IV (sub)




(i) SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY – Michelson-Morley experiment, Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, Simultaneity and order of events, Lorentz contraction and time dilation, Addition of velocities, Velocity dependence of mass, Equivalence of mass and energy.

(ii) ATOMIC PHYSICS: Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, Discrete levels in atoms, Critical potentials, Moseley’s law, Compton effect, Bragg’s law.

(iii) NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Basic properties and structure of nuclei, Elementary ideas about nuclear forces, nuclear disintegration, Cosmic rays and elementary particles, Geiger-Muller counter.

(iv) SOLID STATE PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS – p-n junction (calculation of conduction current by concept of Fermi level), Zener diode, Tunnel diode, Photo-diode, Diode as a rectifier, Half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits, Calculation of ripple factor, Transistor and its characteristics and constants, Photo-transistor, Transistor as an amplifier.

(v) Qualitative idea bout amplitude modulation and detection, Simple transmitter and receiver through block diagram, Propagation of radio waves through ionosphere.

(vi) Electron microscope, Cathode rays oscilloscope.

(vii) DIGITAL CIRCUITS – Basic logic gates, Boolean algebra and its application to simple logic circuits (half adder), Realization of basic logic gates from NAND gates.



(i) Variation of resistance of a wire with temperature

(ii) Calibration and use of a thermocouple.

(iii) Earth inductor.

(iv) De Sauty’s bridge.

(v) Characteristics of a transistor.