Semester V

PAPER XIII (THEORY) (60 periods) Paper Code: PHYH509


(i) Inadequacy of classical mechanics, Origin of old quantum theory, Discreteness of energy – Franck and Hertz experiment, Wave particle duality of matter and radiation (Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Davisson and Germer experiment, Thomson’s experiment), Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Wave function and its physical meaning, wave packets, Schrodinger time-dependent and time-independent equations, Concept of stationary states, Probability density and probability current density.

(ii) One-dimensional potential problems, Rectangular potential barrier, Square well potential of infinite and finite height, Tunnel, effect, Particle in a rectangular box, Simple harmonic oscillator, Rigid rotator.

(iii) Linear operator, Hermitian operator, Eigenvalues and Eigen-function of Hermitian operator, Physical quantities as Hermitian operator, Simultaneous measurement and commutability of operators, Derivation of uncertainty relation using Schwartz inequality and simple applications of uncertainty relation, Expectation value and its time variation, Ehrenfest theorem.

(iv) Angular momentum – orbital angular momentum operator and its Cartesian components, Permutation relations of components of angular momentum – mutual and with L2, Eigenvalues of L2.


1. Quantum Mechanics by Ghatak & Loknathan.

2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Ghatak, A.

3. Quantum Mechanics by Venkatesh & Mathew.

4. Quantum Mechanics by Schiff.

5. Quantum Mechanics by Bransden & Joachain

6. Quantum Physics by H. C. Verma



Elementary idea of spontaneous and induced emission, Properties of laser radiation. Life time of excited states (Metastable states), Laser problem, Threshold condition for laser oscillation, Rate equation in two and three level systems, Commercial laser system, He-Ne laser, Ruby laser.



a) DETECTORS: Ionization chamber, Proportion counter, G-M counter, Scintillation counter.

b) ACCELARATORS: Cyclotron, Synchro-Cyclotron, Betatron.

(ii) Nuclear binding energy and stability of nuclei, Law of radioactive decay, Statistical errors in nuclear physics, Radioactive growth and decay, Theory of ground state of deuteron.

(iii) INTRODUCTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS: Fundamental Forces and Particle Interactions, Criterion for Elementarity, Classification of elementary particles: Leptons, Hadrons (Baryons and Mesons), Mediators(Exchange Particles). Quarks, Higgs Boson. Antiparticles, Symmetry and Conservation laws, Quantum numbers: Spin and Isospin, Parity, charge conjugation.


Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, Bohr-Sommerfeld theory, statement of selection rules for atomic transition and their applications to sodium atom, Concept of electron spin, l-s and j-j couplings, Normal and anomalous Zeeman effect using vector model of atom.


1. Elements of Spectroscopy by Gupta & Kumar.

2. Atomic & Nuclear Physics by Ghosal, S.N.

3. Atomic Spectra by White.

4. Particle Physics by M.L.Khanna

5. Nuclear Physics by Enge, H.

6. Nuclear Physics by S.M.wong

7. Nuclear Physics by Ghosal, S.N.

8. Nuclear Physics by Tayal, D.C.

9. Laser and Its Application by Ghatak & Tyagrajan.

10. Laser by Laud, B.B.

11. An Introduction to Laser Theory and Applications by Avadhanulu, M.N.

12. Laser Fundamentals by Williams

PAPER XV (THEORY) (60 periods) Paper Code: PHYH511


(i) NETWORK THEOREMS: 2-port network and its T and π representations, T and π equivalence, y, z and h parameter representations, Thevenin, Norton, Superposition, Reciprocity and Maximum power transfer theorems, Miller theorem.

(ii) SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS: Semiconductor, Conduction in semiconductors, Energy bands and conduction, conductivity, mobility and resistivity, Doping, Diffusion, pn-junction, biasing, depletion layer capacitance, Diode equation, Zener diode.

(iii) DIODE AND WAVESHAPING CIRCUITS: Diode as a circuit element, Diode parameters, Temperature effects, Diode model, Diode as a switch, Diode switching parameters, Diode data sheet, Diode rectifier circuits (Half and full wave), Ripple factor, Smoothing RC filters, Limitation of diode as a rectifier, Clipping and clamping circuits, Zener diode regulator and Zener diode regulated power supply, Introduction of 3-terminal IC voltage regulator chips.

(iv) BJT-BASED CIRCUITS: Bipolar junction transistor structure, modes of operation, dc characteristics and dc parameters, Load line and Q-point, Biasing circuits (voltage divider and emitter bias) and Q-point stabilization, Small-signal equivalent models (low and high frequencies), BJT data sheet.

(v) FET-BASED CIRCUITS: Junction field-effect transistor structure, modes of operation, dc characteristics and dc parameters, Load line and Q-point, Biasing circuits (voltage divider and self bias) and Q-point stabilization, Small-signal equivalent models (low and high frequencies), FET data sheet.


(i) DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS: Binary, octal, hexadecimal, BCD number systems and their inter-conversion, Binary addition and subtraction using 1’s and 2’s complement, Conversion of fractional and mixed decimal numbers into binary and vice-versa, Basic logic gates, Boolean algebra, Simplification of Boolean expressions using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh map, Conversion of a given truth table into its Boolean expression and logic realization and vice-versa, Half and Full adder, R-S, J-K and Master-Slave Flip-flops.


1. Electronic Principles by Malvino.

2. Handbook of Electronics by Gupta & Kumar.

3. Integrated Electronics Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems by Millman & Halkais .

4. Electronic Devices by Floyd.

5. Principle of Electronics by Mehta, V.K.

6. Digital Computer Electronics by Malvino & Brown.

7. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits by A. Anand Kumar.

8. Digital Principles and Applications by Malvino & Leach.

9. Digital Fundamentals by Floyd.

10. Electronics : Fundamentals and Applications by Chattopadhyay & Rakshit.

11. A First Course in Electronics by Anwar A. Khan & Kanchan K. Dey



(i) Evaluate the parameters of a p-n junction diode and draw the characteristic curves. Verify the diode equation.

(ii) Obtain the V-I characteristics of a Zener diode and evaluate its parameters. Use the Zener diode as a voltage regulator.

(iii) Study the validity of the maximum transfer theorem

(iv) Obtain the basic logic gates using NAND gates and verify their truth table.

(v) To measure the wavelength of He-Ne laser light with the help of a vernier calipers and ruler.

(vi) To measure the diameter of a circular aperture using Fresnel’s diffraction.

(vii) To measure the Brewster’s angle of a glass plate and hence the refractive index of glass.