Semester III (sub)




(i) MAGNETISM – Gauss’ law, Ampere’s circuital law, Magnetic induction, B= mo(H + M) relation (by Rowland ring method), Energy density of magnetic field (by simple solenoid method), Hysteresis and hysteresis loss, Dia-,para- and ferro- magnetic substances, Magnetic circuits, Design of permanent magnets by the concept of magnetic circuits, Susceptibility and permeability and their measurements for dia-, para- and ferromagnetic materials.

(ii) CURRENT ELECTRICITY – Field due to a solenoid, Theory of moving coil ballistic galvanometer and its uses

(a) TRANSIENTS: Growth and decay of current in L- R, R - C and L- R - C circuits, Simple applications of these circuits, Measurement of L by Rayleigh’s method.

(b) ALTERNATING CURRENT CIRCUIT: Power and power factor of ac circuits, Wattmeter, vector diagram method j-operator method for ac circuits, Analytical treatment of series and parallel circuits including sharpness of resonance, Transformer and its principle by vector diagram method, Polyphase current, Rotating magnetic fields, Induction motor.

(iii) CLASSICAL MECHANICS: – Generalized co-ordinates and momenta, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations from D’Alembert’s principle, Applications to simple pendulum, Compound pendulum and projectiles, Motion in a central field, Kepler’s laws – their deductions from law of gravitation and vice-versa.

(iv) QUANTUM PHYSICS: Wave-particle duality, de Broglie’s relation and experimental verification of matter waves, Uncertainty principle.



(i) Young’s modulus of a beam by bending method.

(ii) Newton’s ring.

(iii) i- d graph by spectrometer.

(iv) Resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method.

(v) Figure of merit of a galvanometer.