Semester VI

PAPER XVII (THEORY) (60 periods) Paper Code: PHYH612


(i) Need for statistical physics, Phase space, Microstates and Macrostates, Contact with thermodynamics, Distribution Function, Systems in equilibrium,

Boltzmann Entropy Relation, Liouville’s theorem and its consequences, Gibbs ensemble, Microcanonical distribution, Ideal monatomic gas in

Microcanonical Ensemble, Entropy and statistical weight, Partition function, Thermodynamical quantities in terms of Partition function, Gibbs

paradox and how it is removed, Sackur-Tetrode Formula, Canonical ensemble: distribution function, Partition function and thermodynamical

functions, Ideal monatomic gas in Canonical Ensemble, Grand Canonical ensemble, Grand distribution function, Grand Potential, Grand partition

function and thermodynamical functions.

(ii) MONATOMIC IDEAL GAS: Boltzmann distribution law, Equation of state, Free energy, Specific heat.

(iii) QUANTUM MONATOMIC GAS: Introduction to quantum statistics, elementary concept of density matrix, Derivation of Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-

Dirac and Bose-Einstei distribution from Grand Partition function, Fermi-Dirac distribution from probability concept, Degenerate electron gas,

Specific heat of degenerate electron gas, Bose-Einstein distribution law, Application to black body radiation, Planck’s law, Rayleigh-Jeans Law,

Stefan’s law, Bose-Einstein Condensation..


1. Solid State Physics by Gupta, Saxena & Gupta.

2. Introduction to Solid State Physics by Kittel.

3. Solid State Physics by Dekker.

4. Solid State Physics by Singhal, R.L

5. Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics by Laud, B.B.

6. Statistical Mechanics by K.Hwang.

7. Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics by Greiner.

8. Statistical Physics by Patharia.

9. Statistical Mechanics by Gupta & Kumar.

10. Statistical Mechanics by Satya Prakash

PAPER XVIII (THEORY) (60 periods) Paper Code PHYH613


(i) PERIODIC STRUCTURE: Lattice translational vector, Primitive lattice cell, Wigner-Seitz cell, Bravais lattice in two and three dimensions, Miller

indices, Simple crystal structure (sodium chloride and Cesium chloride), Periodic function and reciprocal lattice, properties of reciprocal lattice,

Diffraction condition and Bragg’s law, Brillouin zone.

(ii) CRYSTAL BINDING: Van der Waals, Ionic, Covalent, Metallic and Hydrogen bonded crystals, Cohesive energy of inert gases and crystals,

Madelung energy and Madelung constant.

(iii) SPECIFIC HEAT OF SOLIDS: Dulong-Petit’s law, Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat of solids at low temperature.

(iv) LATTICE WAVES: Vibration of monatomic and diatomic linear chain, Acoustical and optical branches.

(v) FREE ELECTRON THEORY: Free electron and Fermi gas in three-dimension Fermi energy, Fermi surface, Weidmann-Franz law, Hall effect,

Failure of free electron model.

(vi) ELEMENTARY BAND THEORY: Periodic potential and Bloch theorem, Kroning-Penny model, Band gap, Effective mass, Band structure of

metals, insulators and semiconductors.

(vii) SUPER CONDUCTIVITY: Occurrence, Critical temperature and critical magnetic field, Meissner effect, Superconductivity-Type I and Type II.


1.Electronic Principles by Malvino.

2.Handbook of Electronics by Gupta & Kumar.

3.Integrated Electronics Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems by Millman & Halkais.

4.Electronic Devices by Floyd.

5.Principle of Electronics by Mehta, V.K.

6.Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications by Chattopadhyay & Rakshit

7.A First Course in Electronics by Anwar A. Khan & Kanchan K. Dey

8.Opamp & Linear Integrated Circuits by Gayakwad

9.Solid State Physics by Gupta, Saxena & Gupta

10.Introduction to Solid State Physics by Kittel.

11.Solid State Physics by Dekker.

12.Solid State Physics by Singhal, R.L

PAPER XIX (THEORY) (60 periods) Paper Code: PHYH614


(i) AMPLIFIERS: features of amplifier configurations, Analysis and design of RC coupled voltage amplifiers using BJT (CE mode), Frequency

response, Concept of Bode plots, Classes of amplifiers, Push-pull class-B amplifier.

(ii) FEEDBACK: Feedback concept and feedback equation, Positive and negative feedback, Characteristics of negative feedback, Criteria of

oscillation, RC phase shift and Wein bridge oscillators, RF oscillators (Collpitt and Hartley), Astable multivibrator using BJT.

(iii) MODULATION AND DETECTION: Concept of modulation and its various types, Features of amplitude modulation, Simple AM modulator, Diode

demodulator circuit.

(iv) OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS: BJT- and FET- based difference amplifiers and the performance analysis (including CMRR), Ideal opamp

characteristics and parameters, Opamp symbol and its ideal equivalent model, Basic opamp circuits such as: inverting, non-inverting, voltage

amplifier, adder, difference, differentiating and integrating circuits.


Counters and Shift Registers: to build a 4 bit counter using D-type JK flip-flop, to make a shift register from D type flip-flop, serial and parallel shifting of data, Multiplexer and demultiplexer.

Analog/Digital Conversion: to design an A/D converter, to design a D/A converter.

PAPER XX Paper Code: PHYH60P


(i) Obtain the BJT characteristic curves in CE configuration and hence evaluate the BJT small signal hybrid parameter.

(ii) Study the frequency response of an OPAMP based inverting and non-inverting voltage amplifier.

(iii) Determine the Z, Y, h-parameters of a given “black box” and verify it using the data sheet.

(iv) Design of a BJT based voltage amplifier in CE configuration and study its frequency response.

(v) Obtain the JFET characteristic curves in CS mode and evaluate the JFET small signal parameters.

(vi) Set up full wave bridge rectifier with and without filter and determine the ripple factor in each case.


Every student should either complete one project approved by any teacher of the department or should deliver at least one seminar on any suitable topic approved by the department.

NOTE: A student submitting a project in SEMESTER V must deliver a seminar in SEMESTER VI and vice-versa. The progress of the topic regarding seminar and project will be monitored by the faculty members, at regular intervals, as so directed by the H.O.D.