Welcome to Peacekeeper HQ, the epicenter of all Peacekeeper activity. After its construction in 1983, it has become home base for the Peacekeepers in Thalos. There, Peacekeepers are housed, trained, and given their assignments. HQ is uniquely designed to fit the wants and needs of the Peacekeepers, and is considered one of the most secure places in the city. Some citizens gaze upon the base with pride, thinking fondly of the officers that work to protect the city. Others... may not have an affectionate opinion of the place. No matter the sentiment, most will agree that the Peacekeeper HQ is a significant part of what makes Thalos the city it is. 

HQ has several buildings that provide the Peacekeepers the necessities  they need to keep operations running smoothly. 

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Surrounded entirely by a brick chain-link fence, HQ is well fortified against possible intrusions. Barbed wire lines the top of the fencing, which is also electrified. Within the walls, constant patrols cover every inch of the perimeter, and security cameras are placed throughout the base. The officer entrances are opened by ID, located near the hangers and parking lots, and are monitored by security. The main entrance is the only one that can be entered by civilians, given that they have special clearance and pass a security check.

There are two different parking lots provided on-site, one for general employees and officers, and one for civilians or high ranking officers. All entrances to buildings are opened using chip readers. The doors are programmed to allow certain levels of clearance to each individual’s chip. For example, a footman would not normally have access to the Special Forces building, but a special agent would. In case access is needed by people who do not have clearance to enter a certain area, high ranks have access to master cards which have maximum clearance. 

In the center of HQ is a large, open area covered in grass where a grandiose fountain presides. Large trees provide shade over benches that are placed around the area. Peacekeepers often go to enjoy a breath of fresh air here, as well as grab a bite to eat at the Dining Hall across the way. There, they provide a variety of different meal types each and every day for people to enjoy, and are even sometimes open late for the individuals who work through the night. You can have your food inside, or just outside on tables provided.

Slightly off the main base is a separate area designated for storage and vehicles. Hangers house machinery, whereas the store houses hold weaponry, equipment, and nectar. Vehicles can depart and enter through two entrances that can only be opened from the inside, one of which opens to the Majium Court. A helicopter pad is also present if needed.

The Barracks, aptly named, are where Peacekeepers are housed. In coming recruits are required to live in the Barracks for their first year of training, but the residents also consist of many other ranks. To avoid the hassle of traffic and to keep the convenience of living two steps from where you work, some choose to remain in the Barracks for some time. Formatted much like college dorms, the majority of the rooms available in the lower three levels are small, cramped spaces with just enough room for 1-2 people to live with a desk each and small storage to put personal belongings. The first floor features two entrance halls where people can enter. Shared bathrooms and common rooms are located on floors 1-3 to provide basic utilities. The 4th floor consists of rooms that are more like small flats, each with their own little kitchen and bathroom. However, these are a luxury few can get their hands on or afford.


A large portion of HQ is dedicated the purpose of training and conditioning officers to be ready for anything the Company may need them for.

Kowl Hall is a three story building located next to Calloway South, and is largely used for some indoor training Peacekeepers may undergo. The Hall's first floor consists of several classrooms and conference rooms. The second floor holds more meeting rooms, and a few offices, including the Lieutenants' and Brigadiers'. On the very top floor lies the offices of the heads of the Peacekeeper branches. Special clearance is needed to go to the third floor. The building is otherwise open to all ranks, but is most frequented by Corporate Defence, which have come to affectionately call the building Kick/Kiss-ass 101 depending on who you ask.

Just adjacent to the Hall is Rivera Centre, a large gym created for indoor training. Though it closely resembles a school gym, the entire building is constructed with particularly strong materials, reinforced against any perhaps more powerful abilities that could cause some serious damage. The main gym includes retractable bleachers, a climbing wall, and other training equipment. In the center is changing rooms and showers, as well as two smaller rooms for smaller groups. Through the changing room is a pool for aquatic training.

At the back of the base is a full sized dirt track. Next to it is a courtyard with metal bleachers, a bathroom, and the infamous Devil's Court; a small concrete court with a small building. As part of their training, peacekeepers are brought to the Court for tear gas and pepper spray training. Behind is two obstacle courses.


Calloway South Building is much like a modern office building, and is home to the Special Forces branch. The newest structure on base, Calloway South is four stories tall and sports a tall glass dome for its entrance, leading into an open area and reception desk. To get past the reception desk, any entering will need clearance or their Peacekeeper ID. Only Special Forces agents and high ranking officers can get in with their IDs. Behind the reception desk is a security office that watches over many of the cameras around HQ. Once you are past the entry hall, the ground floor opens into a lounge room where officers can take their breaks, complete with snacks and a coffee machine. Also on the ground floor are restrooms and a few larger conference rooms for meetings. Connected here as well is a special armory and an indoor firing range - the only place in HQ where guns are used (though mostly smaller weapons and handguns). 

On the upper three levels, the floors are split into two separate offices, allowing for two Special Forces squadrons on each floor. Currently, only five squads occupy the building, while the sixth is left mostly for storage. Each squadron receives a secretary to help. Inside each of the individual offices are cubicles set up for agents and tacticians and a large conference table. The squadron leaders receive their own private offices within. 

Curiously, there have recently been reports of a cat wearing a Peacekeeper collar that frequents the area around the building.


Open to all Peacekeepers, the Davonski Medical Centre is the central building for all of the Medical Corps. The building itself is essentially a small hospital with three stories with two entrances. The back entrance is used by most, leading into a small waiting room with a reception desk. The front entrance is next to the road, meant for vehicles to swiftly deliver injured soldiers.

The ground floor is used mostly for check-ups, physicals, and other daily tasks. Here, there is a lab, radiology and a pharmacy. Regular check-ups are offered to all Peacekeepers to assure their wellness and to ensure that they are still in shape for the field. On the second floor, more in-depth and urgent procedures occur. Badly injured individuals will be sent straight to this floor, where they can be treated in the ER or undergo surgery that must be done on site. The last floor acts as an officer for the medical officers, and for the most part serves as a place for training and paperwork. However, in case of patient overflow, there are extra rooms where they can be kept. Connecting to all floors are elevators, large enough to fit stretchers.

Although the Medical Centre is well equipped, it is not entirely a replacement for a hospital. The Medical Corps, although nurses and doctors, focus more on field work. As such, the establishment is not made for long term stays. Any extreme cases that require 24 hour care or extended stay will more often than not be transferred out to a hospital.


Created as a deterrent for any hostile advantages towards the city, the Crossroads Base acts as both an outpost and a secondary base for the Peacekeepers of Thalos. Certain training that cannot be done within the city walls is done at this base. Peacekeepers are bused out to the Crossroads and can spend anywhere from a few days to weeks at the base.

The base itself is well fortified, fenced with barbed wire and a watch tower at each corner. There are only one or two semi-buildings on base - portables mostly for high ranks and basic necessities such as restrooms for overnight stays. Officers stay in huge military grade tents while on base… not exactly designed for comfort. Slightly off base are other facilities: the driving course, the outdoor shooting ranges, and F-T. The driving course is used for pursuit training. Only designated vehicle dispatchers and high ranks really use the course, as other ranks do not use vehicles as much. The shooting ranges are past F-T, with one range for high caliber, long ranged weapons and one for small firearms.

F-T is a small mock city, built mostly from brick, plywood and other cheap materials to mimic buildings. Peacekeepers undergo urban training here, going through a variety of scenarios from sieges to hostage situations that could be encountered. This facility is mostly frequented by Special Forces in particular. Strangely enough, the actual name of the false city is not known by the majority of the Peacekeepers, and it is instead only known as F-T or, to some people’s displeasure or amusement, Funky Town.

The Farwoods has become an extension of the Crossroads Base and has recently been repurposed for the training of Peacekeeper forces in forest based combat. Troops often take day trips there, boarding buses early in the morning at the Crossroads base that drive them a few hours to the woods, where they spend the day (or even a few) training there. Civilians are no longer allowed within the forest. Within the trees, a tall chain link fence prevents anyone from venturing into a large portion of it.


While most Peacekeeper activity is found in and around HQ, there are also several off-site facilities which Peacekeepers will frequent. 

Just outside of HQ is the Littlewood Apartments. These dwellings are available only to Peacekeepers and staff, and are much more luxurious alternatives to the Barracks. If you are a high ranking officer or have the cash for it, they offer 1-2 bedroom flats, complete with their own kitchens and bathrooms. Rent, however, does cost a pretty penny.

Throughout the city, there are several Peacekeeper Outposts, which act almost like police stations. Footmen, and sometimes privates, are stationed in outposts around the city. Each have their own areas which they are responsible for overseeing and patrolling. At Outposts, Civilians can go to report crimes, and criminals can be held in Peacekeeper custody. Instead of reporting to HQ, Peacekeepers assigned to outposts will debrief there, and will be circulated between outposts regularly. 

Out on the docks is a special outpost known as the Arid Outpost. Peacekeepers overlook naval traffic and will patrol the coast using speed boats. Officers with more water-oriented skills may be stationed here for long periods of time, and they even have their own captain. The Captain acts similar to a brigadier, but their authority is focused mainly on Hunt’s Bay.

The Peacekeeper Adolescent Rehabilitation Centre, otherwise known as PARC, is where delinquents under the age of 18 are held here while awaiting trial, and can be sentenced to PARC as punishment. Youth are expected to wear uniforms, and go by a schedule that involves education, daily tasks around the facility, and community service.