Group activities

"We all lead busy lives, and even the best intention to do something gets diluted due to several reasons. Joining a group can make you more committed to your practice; and the group can also be inspiring to every member".

The activities explained below were part of my reality during years, they keep contributing to my transformation.  

By sharing them with you,  it's not about  learning the techniques but taking the time needed to observe yourself and being able to integrate the experience, in a conscious way.  

Active Meditations 

What is it?

An approach to meditation that includes movements such as dancing, shaking, breathing, walking, combined with moments of silence and stillness. 

What is the proposal?

Join a session and visit us on Facebook.

Residential workshops - Body Heart Conscience

"The Ego is considered as the foundation of the personality, especially in psychology but also as an obstacle to our spiritual evolution. Identification with the Ego (mental), the source of our daily difficulties, creates suffering. We validate those beliefs that end up taking control over our lives, thus moving us away from who we really are.

The proposed work offers experiences to become the witness, to feel the energy of life, to (re) discover its real nature, which is Love." - Nicolle Verchere

 An invitation to return to the source, the center of feelings, here and now ... to become free and responsible

Hosted by Nicolle Verchere & Alain Darnanville. Assisted by Fernando Vivanco.

                                                          For further explanations, you can contact me.


"Just a few dance steps, tightly intertwined, to do good to body and soul".

In the context of cancer treatment, tango can help patients to gently reconnect with their body and regain the femininity that is sometimes affected. If you wish, you can visit this website to find out about the different options.

I am part of a charming group of gentlemen who meet with pleasure and respect to support the work led by Joan De Rijck and Hugo Godoy.

Practical information