Qualtrics for Felician U

Why Qualtrics?

Qualtrics is one of the best and the most popular survey platforms available.  Felician University purchased a campus-wide license so we can enjoy the benefits of pro access.  

Access Instruction

To access our Qualtrics domain, use the following felician.qualtrics.com URL.

You will be prompted to use your University email address and password to log in.

Remember, it has to be felician.qualtrics.com, not somethingelse.qualtrics.com

On the login page you will see 

Please use your Felician University credentials (the same as you use to log into your email).  For troubleshooting please contact Felician Helpdesk.  

You can begin working with Qualtrics at the Survey Basic Overview by Qualtrics. This is your first step to creating surveys in Qualtrics. The tutorial covers Blocks, Question & Editing Pane, Survey Toolbar and Navigation, and Banner Notifications Basics.  

Please feel free to explore a sample survey

We hope you will enjoy the experience!