CITI Certificate

At Felician University, we require that all researchers obtain a research certificate. The University purchased a campus-wide license so all our scholars have free of charge access to numerous CITI courses. These courses are recognized by most colleges, universities, and research institutions. Please take advantage of this opportunity.

CITI Program offers numerous courses that lead to a certificate. The choice depends on the research project. Here are the options:

Biomedical Research Investigators is an appropriate course if your research includes any medical procedures, collecting medical samples, working with patients, etc.

⎯ Research with Data or Laboratory Specimens (no direct contact with human subjects)

Social & Behavioral Research Investigators should be chosen if your research is based on interviews, surveys, observation of public behavior, etc.

IRB Members is appropriate for IRB or Ethics Committee members.

CITI Program login instructions

You can download the pdf below for your convenience

CITI login instruction (Faculty, Nov2019).pdf