Empowering Health with Fit4Work

This website was designed to showcase concrete ideas, activities, and ways to improve the mental and physical health, well being, and job skills for individuals for disabilities. These activities are  for students, teachers, therapists, and parents to get started on a work fitness preparation journey; in pursuit of not just employment, but optimal physical and mental health.



Total Health

I define "Total Health" as having your foundational needs met.  Our foundational needs seem basic, but are actually required to thrive and have optimal quality of life. In Fit4Work terms includes focusing on optimal postschool outcomes that include employment in the least restrictive environment.  

I subscribe to the "ELEMENTS" described by Pro-Activity of Move, Fuel, Recover, Endure, and Connect.*  These Elements are basic needs that must be met. If they are not met, we cannot achieve optimal health. The entire community requires having these needs met in order for the system to optimally function.  Fit4Work describes how to meet Move (as described in the graphic below), which will impact Connect and Endure.  Fuel and Recover are required for optimal functioning in all areas. In truth, as stakeholders, we need to recognize when the others are not being met and formulate a plan for development. In this way,  we can maximize not only the physical abilities of students but their quality of life.

*The ELEMENTS are used with permission of Pro-Activity granted to BaseCamp31 member organizations.

Population Health

Population health is defined as "the health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group", Kindig, 2003. Population health initiatives involve large scale recommendations to improve health in entire populations, like smoking cessation programs. More here. Traditionally, therapists work with individuals 1:1 or in small groups, but what if we worked on an even broader level ie POPULATION level where we could impact more individuals.

Using a population health mindset, educators, teachers, therapists and other stakeholders can support large scale programs at the Community level (Primordial), Primary (school level, special education programs), or Secondary level (special education classes) to promote health for all students; thereby having a larger impact than if we worked with youth at a tertiary level (one at at time) .  When implementing  Fit4Work activity programs, ideally in collaboration with educators, therapists, and caretakers, you are screening, intervening and assessing outcomes on larger groups of students, thereby impacting the health of the entire population.

 Many of the Elements are already included in the population health model  Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child which all communities should be using to promote the health and well being of children and youth regardless of ability.

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