What to Expect


When you walk through the door of Evergreen Health&Wellness, you will be greeted and welcomed as a member of our family. We will request you fill out new patient standard forms provided to you in a tablet. You should arrive 15 minutes before the appointment to ensure you have plenty of time to fill in all the forms. Please bring all necessary documentation, such as your most recent office notes, and/or copies of any diagnostic reports (X-ray, CT, MRI, etc.) and your insurance card.

1. The Consultation

After you have filled out all the necessary forms and provided us with information about your health and condition, you will have a consultation with Dr. Li to discuss your health-related problems and concerns. If you are a good candidate for our care, the doctor will let you know. However, if you need second opinions or collaborative care with other medical professionals, then you will be referred to another doctor that can help you. Nothing will be done in the office, without your approval and consent.

2. The Examination

Once the consultation is over, you will then have a comprehensive Chiropractic examination, which may involve testing your reflexes, and your ability to bend and turn. You may also have standard physical, postural, neurologic, and orthopedic examinations as well. Dr. Li will provide you with valuable information about your conditions or concerns and may refer additional testing procedures or X-rays.

3. Report of Findings

After the information has been collected and all examinations have been performed, you will be given a report of findings by Dr. Li, which will include treatment recommendations. The report of findings will include a comprehensive analysis of the problem you are suffering from, and the best treatment plan you can get from us.

4. The Treatment

Once you have decided on the treatment option best for you, we will begin the treatment.This may include spinal adjustments, physical therapies, and/or soft tissue therapies. You may see results from the first treatment, but that depends on the type of treatment and severity of your condition.