Shoulder Pain

The shoulder depends on an integrated, position-dependent system of ligaments, muscle, & tendons for stability, coupled with the need for coordinated interactions of a number of joints, makes it a complex region to assess. It is a ball-and-socket joint. It has a high degree of flexibility. Its stability depends on a group of surrounding musculature— rotator cuff muscles. If rotator cuff muscles are not strong enough, shoulder movement will address repeated stress on the rotator cuff to cause a dull ache in the shoulder. Furthermore,a lot of times patients experience shoulder pain which are originated from neck. In order to properly treat the shoulder joint and achieve long-term relief, it is important to identify the cause of shoulder pain.

Mostly shoulder pain is often caused by overuse. Some common conditions include:

  • Sprain and strain

  • Impingement syndrome

  • Rotator cuff tendonitis

  • Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)

  • Arthritis

Due to causative factors are uncertainty, shoulder pain and abnormal motion in the shoulder joint can develop gradually or come on suddenly. Shoulder injury can be occasionally subtle, and sometimes even can develop into major issues. Therefore, when the symptoms of shoulder joint interfere with daily living, an immediate evaluation of shoulder joint from a professional doctor is very necessary. If you stuffer from any shoulder pain , please call our team at Evergreen Health & Wellness today for help. Once the diagnosis is achieved, an individualized treatment plan will be developed to help ensure a fast recovery.