Hip & Knew Pain

Actually, there’s no such thing as a local injury in the lower extremities. Pain, weakness, tightness, or incorrect biomechanics in the foot, knee or hip can cause the entire body out of alignment. Hip, knee, ankle and foot are work together to play a crucial role in moving the lower limbs. For example, if gluteus medium muscles (muscles around the hip) are weak, the position of thigh and knee will be affected in walking, running, or climbing stairs. Weakness in the hips can cause a collapse of the kinetic chasing, and this may be one cause of your pain. The best approach for hip and knee health is a regimen that balances mobility with stability, or stretch with strength.

Hip and knee often get injuries while playing sports. Common injuries include dislocations, fractures, and tears of the meniscus and ligaments. All these may need surgical repair.

Chiropractors commonly treat the following hip and knee conditions:

—Hip: bursitis, muscle strain (such as hamstring strain, Quadriceps strain, adductor strain, illiopsoas strain), osteoarthritis, Piriformis syndrome, meralgia paresthetica

—Knee: patellofemoral arthralgia, illiotibial band syndrome, patellar tendonitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis

If you stuffer from any hip or knee pain , please call our team at Evergreen Health & Wellness today for help.