
29.1.2023 - 2.2.2023.  

As part of the Erasmus + project K210 SCH Europe, we hosted our friends from Spain and Germany  from January 29th  until 2nd February 2023.

The mobility started on Monday, January 30th in our school, although our guests arrived in Šibenik during the weekend. After a short opening program, the welcoming words of the headmistress Maja Morić Kulušić, and the project coordinator Ursula Schwoerer, the working part followed the presentation of the schools, cities and countries from which the partners in this project come.


In the afternoon, we had guided tour around Šibenik, introduced our guests to the cultural and historical sights of our city, and had a pleasant time socializing together.

2. day

The second day of the stay was reserved for a tour of Trogir and Split, the day was spent in very pleasant socializing with colleagues and students.



3. day

We dedicated the third day to Šibenik again, the day started with a tour of the Barone fortress, where we were greeted on behalf of the mayor by Mrs. Mirjana Žurić, the Head of the  Department for Social Affairs of the city of Šibenik. After the Barone fortress, we also visited the St. Michael’s fortress. The students had the opportunity to learn about the importance of these fortresses in the history of the city, but also how much they mean to the citizens of Šibenik today. It is important to note that the advantage of our project is precisely that the fortresses were renovated with the help of EU funds, and in this way we confirmed how important it is to be part of this community.

During their stay, the pupils from Germany and Spain were accommodated with the families of our students. There was no pause of socializing and getting to know each other even in the time they spent outside the organized program at school. Thank you all once again.

We would like to thank everyone who in any way participated in the realization of this mobility, special thanks to the Public Institution of the Fortress of Culture for their hospitality, the headmistress and colleagues for their support and help in the realization of the mobility program, parents and students without whom this would not have been this successful.

We hope that our friends from our school, Brodarica, Šibenik and Croatia took away wonderful impressions and created memories for a lifetime.

Our journey has just begun.... We are looking forward to spending time in Spain and Germany!

Pupils report mobility Croatia.docx