Project day 2023.

European cakes and a European project

Many, many hard-working helpers from all year groups and also numerous teachers contributed to this, and we really did it:

Maristen-Gymnasium Furth celebrated Europe Day 2023 with the largest ever cake buffet in the school's history! No fewer than 691 pieces of cake were offered to all students during the break - and were quickly consumed.

Europe Day is celebrated every year on May 9. It commemorates May 9, 1950, when the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman gave a speech in Paris and presented his vision of a new kind of political cooperation in Europe. His dream was to prevent another war through a community of European peoples. One year after his speech, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was founded, which later became the European Union.

The Maristen-Gymnasium Furth has seen itself as a "European School" for many years. In our daily lessons, but also in many projects and activities, we convey to our pupils the importance of the European Union in their lives. Peace on the European continent is not possible without a functioning community of countries, to which we are all called upon to contribute.

And so, of course, the MGF also celebrates Europe Day on May 9th together every year! This year with a huge cake buffet. Together with partner schools from Croatia, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic and Greece, a collection of European cake recipes was compiled in advance and made available to our students on Moodle. Anyone who wanted to could volunteer to take part in the campaign - we were overwhelmed by how many hard-working bakers there are at our school!

To accompany this, the participants of the Erasmus+ project "Europe me!" created an exhibition in the assembly hall about the 27 member states of the European Union and the background to Europe Day, including a drawing competition and quiz.