
Europe without borders 

"Once, a girl, a ten-year-old, surprised me by the question: 'What do people need a passport for?' I tried to explain to her: every country has its own borders, customs, laws and wants to know who enters and leaves it? The girl was not happy with my answer. I was not happy with my explanation either. That's when I started thinking about a world without borders and wires, about a world without bumpers that let us through .... I dreamed and fantasized about a world without obstacles. (Pero Zlatar)

The motivation for creating art works on the topic of Europe without borders was a visit to the Youth in the EU association.

Youth in EU

As part of Erasmus+ KA210-SCH Europe, seventh grade students participating in the project, on January 23, 2023. they visited the Youth in the EU association.

The main goal of the association is the development and improvement of EU values, human rights and children's rights, informing young people and actively encouraging social/social entrepreneurship, volunteering, nature and environmental protection, and providing services to socially sensitive groups.

Volunteers of the association, two girls from Italy and one from Ukraine, introduced the students to the programs that the EU offers to young people in a fun and interesting way. Students had the opportunity to show what they learned about the EU, but also to find out what opportunities are offered to them through EU programs and projects in education, volunteering and getting to know the EU. Through games and conversation with female volunteers, they received information that can help them become aware of what EU membership brings to young people.

Imaginary travel