Visit European Parliament in Munich

The students in the "Europe me!" project group, together with their teachers Ms. Radlmeier and Ms. Schwoerer, saw for themselves that Europe doesn't just "happen" in Brussels or Strasbourg, but also in Munich during a day trip to Munich and a visit to the European Commission's liaison office today.


"Europe me!" is our Erasmus+ project for 6th and 7th grade students, in which we explore the history and workings of the European Union together with our partner schools from Croatia and Spain. This project is funded by the European Union so that young people can "experience" what it means to be a citizen of Europe.

Ms. Ana-Maria Nagl, the public relations officer, and Dr. Renke Deckarm, the managing director and press officer of the regional representation, took a whole morning for us, for which we would like to thank them very much. Of course, our young EU experts particularly enjoyed the exciting online simulation game "Fabulous Council", in which they were allowed to slip into the role of various groups in an imaginary world - Nafasia. Under the guidance of Ms. Nagl, they had to discuss important decisions that directly affect the future of Nafasia and show that they are capable of compromise and that even groups with very different goals have to come to an agreement - similarities with the decision-making process within the European Union with its 27 member states were of course intentional. 

But also the fact that Dr. Deckarm and Ms. Nagl answered the questions of our students, which they had prepared in advance of this visit, so seriously, in detail and at eye level (we now know what questions we have to be prepared for in the selection procedure for high European officials! Dr. Deckarm even promised to come to Maristen-Gymnasium Furth one day, which we are already looking forward to.