Local Curriculum

At Erupt Education we develop learning opportunities with a strong focus on Local Curriculum with the aim to reflect community values, culture and identity to ultimately create rich learning opportunities. We have discovered that this process is most effective when developed in partnership with community stakeholders. Using local contexts provide students with authentic learning opportunities by ensuring coherence and continuity of progress for all akonga. 

Working with local experts and community groups and alongside stakeholders exploring knowledge and understanding through Empathy. Defining the problem based on their needs.  Discovering ways to solve the problems through Ideation and taking these concept ideas to Innovations through Prototyping and Testing and Trialing. Then share back to the stakeholders and community groups. 

Students presenting their innovation as part of the Winter Light Festival in Taupo.

The Te Waka Time Machine - The use of images in the bike wheels to tell a story and links through QR codes to Past, Present and Future of Winter.