The Power of Now


S、Renaee、zöe、Linda、wei、Hazel、Alison、Han、S.C.、alice2024、Ling、雅雅、Ophelia、Mollie 共14名   (新加入的夥伴們,可自行在名單後面加上您的名字)


2.     And the majority of those thoughts will never actually happen.

3.     And the things that will, don't even really matter or are simply going to be challenges

4.     that they're going to overcome.

5.     It's funny that most people might not even realize this.

6.     It has become the norm.

7.     Unless you've tried to become aware of your thinking or tried meditating, you might not even realize what your mind is doing to you.

8.     Now the mind is probably one of the most powerful tools that we have, but the more powerful something is, the more dangerous it is if a person doesn't know how to be in control of it.

9.     It's literally like taking a chainsaw and giving to the guy who has no control over his limbs.

10.  So why is it that you want to become aware of this or as Eckhart Tolle says, "watch the thinker?"

11.  Because it's killing you.

12.  The more we study this, the more we realize that it's physically killing us.

13.  If you go outside and look at people, you will see cortisol-producing machines.

14.  That's literally what everyone has become.

15.  And it's apparent in how they walk and how they interact with each other.

16.  It is literally killing you.

17.  Not only is it ruining your life, it's literally physically killing you.

18.  So a lot of people have come to understand this, and most people have started to see the value in becoming present.


S、R .Sue、zöe、Linda、weiHazel、Alison、HanS.C.、alice2024、Ling、雅雅、Ophelia