Exhibit 4

Red Man




I wanted to use color to try and express some emotion. I found this photo on a free website and the man seemed like a good fit to express emotion. To me it seemed like he had a lot of energy so I used red to try to express energy and adrenaline. I know red is typically associated with anger but I am hoping this has a different affect and creates more of a fun feeling. I used a red color fill and then blended it into color mode and then added a mask and erased the skin tones. The purpose of this graphic is to be a poster and be displayed to create emotion and get excited.


  • added title to make it look like a cover

  • made background black and white so the red pops more

  • made only the man red so it wasn't overwhelming

  • changed the color so it was brighter and not pink

  • added a drop shadow to words


Contrast - The skin tone contrasts with the red so it stands out. The adjustment layers use black and white to add contrast for the lighting.

Repetition - I used the color red repeatedly in the picture so it all goes together.

Alignment - The person is aligned in the middle so you can see how they are the the main focus.

Proximity - The person is close to the camera so it feels like the person is interacting with the audience.

Photoshop Skills Used:

  • Fill

  • Color

  • Blend mode color

  • Mask

  • Eraser

  • Levels Adjustment

  • Curve Adjustment

  • Copy Layer


Photo: Hamann La https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-sitting-on-floor-1205033/

Font: Arial Black