The 5th grade girls class that I was in loved calligraphy and writing my name. My mentor teacher had a towel on the white board to welcome me!

I was able to play violin for lots of the students in the school! This picture was from a 3rd grade boys music class!

There were 4 of us who studied in Spain! We spent tons of time together and created lots of memories!

The girls wrote all these sweet notes to me to say goodbye! I will miss them!

My mentor teacher gifted me this fan because the school does not have air-conditioning. All of the girls in the class had a hand fan so she wanted me to feel included. Plus, this helped on days that were warm!

The girls in the 6th grade class wrote this on the board as a background for my music lesson with them!

Group photo with the sweet 5th grade girls class!

The girls decorated this pencil case for me as "a way to remember them by." They were all so sweet!

The WKU professors came to visit and I performed "My Old Kentucky Home" for them and my class!

These girls were very sad to say goodbye so I took a picture with them. They wanted me to stay and teach in Spain. 

Group photo with the other students teachers from WKU. We loved meeting in the courtyard to play games with the students!

The WKU professors came to visit the school and eat lunch with us on our last day.