I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the school in Spain! The teachers and students were so kind and welcoming to us. During my time, I was in 5th grade. My teacher is the “tutor” (which is what they call their teachers) for a 5th grade boys class and a 5th grade girls class. This was a very different experience than at home because we have mixed gender classes instead of separated ones. Although I was here for just two weeks, I grew close to my mentor teacher and all of the students. 

My host family was so kind and welcoming throughout my whole time with them! They made plans for me to see famous parts of the city each afternoon after school! They even planned a beach trip for one of my friends and I. They had lots of musical instruments and are a musical family. The youngest son is learning to play the violin and I was able to play and work with him! Their oldest son learned violin several years ago so I was able to borrow his violin to play for the students at the school. The students loved it when I played the violin for them. They would often stop me on the playground to perform a song for them. It was such a wonderful, heartwarming experience and I want to come back and visit!