Post Game Jam

After the jam there were a few things left to tidy up. I managed to do this in between work whenever I had a free second.

Note: there was a point where I stopped adding to this page with every minor adjustment needed. I would tweak and update on


  • Maggie was triggering the room dialogue boxes. It took me a while to figure out what was causing the error. The dialogue boxes needed an if statement attached to its onTriggerEnter2D to only allow the player to trigger the event. As the script wasn't mine, it took longer to troubleshoot. This outlines the importance of making notes within code when working on a team.

  • Final Puzzle Completed. As the Auslan puzzle didn't make it into game jam submission, I wanted to quickly slap together a way to finish it off. I've made a very basic dialogue system that uses simple game object on and off using buttons. I've only allowed the player three attempts before they receive the Game Over screen.

  • Captions with ghost growls.* It took me a bit to understand the code written by the other programmer. Once I had, I was able to apply to all the other ghosts. There was an issue with creating this for both the Nurse and Nun as they were sharing a script. Making another script for the nun solved this issue.

  • Level 3. When doing quick tests, I realised in all the chaos that I didn't add any colliders in the final scene, which would allow the player to walk off into the abyss. This has been fixed along with updating the new dialogue and updating the ending video.

  • Adding Dialogue to Simon at the end of Lvl 2. Unfortunately, the dialogue hadn't been inputted in time for Simon at the bottom of the stairs. I confirmed changes to the order with Janine (the writer) and have included her adjustments. I also added a sprite for Simon by cropping one of Katies images.

  • Skip tutorial song button. After the pain of listening to my own altered voice multiple times, I have added a skip button for the tutorial scene to allow players who are may play a second time to skip the 1minute song.

  • Fixed a few wall colliders across levels. These were just some that were missed.

  • Notes on level 2 replaced. All the writing on the level 2 notes hadn't been added. I went through the notes and changed them accordingly.

  • Notes for Simon. As one of the tasks, Emery needed to pick up a certain note for Simon. This was originally set for the first note. I went and changed this on both lvl 1 and 2.

  • Title Screens fixed. The Game Over screen was not being used. I had not yet changed the code and it was still set to take the player to the main menu

  • Added music. Level one and title screens were missing

  • Final Video Edited. Spent more time on the ending video to help portray the narrative better.

Final Password.mp4

Refining the ending video

I further edited the ending video by trying to incorporate the narrative a little more. I did this by adding text provided by the writer, changing the speed and transitions of the images, and incorporating an additional song to try and give the impression of a shift in the narrative's tone.

The music that was chosen for this ending scene was:

Ending Scene.mp4

Making a trailer

I kept the trailer simple in this case. Added a bit of the opener, descriptive text and screen captures of gameplay.