

Emery is a young orphan who has lost their parents recently. As much as they desperately want to be with their parents, they will ultimately always do the right thing.

Emery's Father

Emery's father died earlier than he should of. In his desperate attempt to get back to their child they're willing to sacrifice anyone.

Emery's Mother

Emery's mother was once a kind hearted soul, but her desperate need to be with her child has made her attempt to do the unthinkable.


Simon is the little hero of the orphanage. He gives Emery trials to help see if they can face the challenge waiting for them upstairs.

Nurse Lily

Mila ...

Only screams at Emery to scare them.


Maggie ...

Plays with Emery to the point that she can become to clingy and Emery needs to find a way to shake her off.

Nurse Lily

Lily was always looking out for the children. The health and wellbeing of the youngsters was so important to her that she even looks after their health in her ghostly form.

+1 health to Emery.

Sister Agatha

Sister Agatha knows what lurks upstairs. She's trying to warn Emery to leave by going as far as hurting them. Emery will need to make sure they have plenty of strength when they bump into her.

-1 health to Emery.

Frank and Bros

Frank and Bros...

When Emery first interacts with Frank, Frank calls his brothers.

-1 health to Emery from each Frank and Bros.