About the Game

There are whispers calling young Emery to an abandoned orphanage. Once inside, they're confronted by spirits and demons. Some will only want to play with Emery, while others will harm them. Slowly, they must make their way upstairs to where the voices are calling. But what is waiting for them there?

While exploring, Emery will meet characters that will help or hinder their quest. Simon, the gatekeeper, will give Emery clues to permit them to go to the next level and allow them to continue their journey. Within the orphanage, Emery discovers notes and objects that will help them unravel the secret hiding inside.

Theme: Lost & Found.

The submitted entry to the GGJ site is not to the completed version. You may find bugs in that copy of the project.

Theme Song
The tutorial for your game is in the form of a song

Games are for Everyone
Give traditionally underrepresented group(s) a voice in your game through characters, narrative or design.