Marketing and Audience Engagement


Throughout my time at Spartan Banner, I have reached out to several local businesses to offer advertisement rooms in our magazine. During my junior year, I became in charge of getting advertisements for each print magazine. I sent several emails and made calls to local businesses seeking their support. I was able to secure around $400 in total from our biggest supporter, Gigi Nails. Through this experience, I learned the importance of effective communication and community outreach.

Student, Family, Staff, and Community Outreach

To increase viewership, I reached out to my school's Athletic and Activity Director, who also happens to run our school's weekly announcement emails, to include a section for the Spartan Banner website. Through this integration, we have been able to reach a larger audience of students, staff, and parents. 

Adding Tags 

Each story on our website is tagged to make stories easier to find. This makes our website more accessible. Furthermore, I make Instagram posts for stories to promote each story through social media to reach a greater audience. I encourage members to repost our posts through Instagram stories. 

Middle School and Freshman Outreach

This past spring, I organized a trip to Pilgrim Park Middle School to speak to eighth graders about the opportunity to join Spartan Banner when they enter high school. I developed a comprehensive slideshow that allowed students to think about how they would prefer to get involved, whether it be through writing, design, photography, or a combination. During the seminar, we also advertised the summer camp I would be running. I had a wonderful time speaking with the middle schoolers about Spartan Banner and opportunities to get involved with journalism. I have noticed an increase in the number of freshmen who have joined Spartan Banner since the previous year. 

These are photos of Spartan Banner at club day. Club day is a critical opportunity for students to learn more about clubs at our school. I designed the trifold poster for club day and talked to students about the importance of student journalism and why they should join the Spartan Banner. 

Website Analytics

The picture on the left shows our website analytics for the 2023 school year, and the picture on the right reveals our website statistics for this current school year. Our page views increased almost sixfold and the total number of stories read increased fivefold. As the online editor-in-chief, I have worked diligently to increase Spartan Banner's reach to the student body through regular posts on the Instagram page, putting our name in the school's weekly newsletter, and getting people at my school excited about journalism. However, my impact extends beyond these statistics, as my main goal is to increase student engagement with the magazine to create a receptive culture that encourages students to speak up. My goal is to inspire students to confidently share their voices with the world.