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Kelly's Tips

View Options

There are several different views available for your calendar. You can view it by day, week, month, year, schedule view, or a 4 day view. You can adjust these options in two ways - by clicking the view settings button at the top right of your calendar and choosing from the dropdown menu, or you can use the keystrokes.

I like being able to switch the views as I'm working with just the press of a button, so I use the keystrokes. I'd encourage you to check out all the views. Most of the views are self explanatory, except schedule view, which used to be called agenda view in the old calendar. This gives you a list of items starting from today on into the future, like this:

Change Event Color

The new calendar makes it very easy to change your event color. Simply right click on the event, and choose your color. This changes the event color only - not the calendar color. You can delete your event from the right click menu as well.

Ann's Tips

Suggested Times

If you ever need to schedule a meeting or event and you know it is going to be a struggle to coordinate participants' calendars, this is a time saver! Under More Options, add your guests to an event then click on the Suggested Times option. You will see all the suggested times that participants are available for the meeting/event.

See Event Details at a Glance

In the old version of Google Calendar you had to click on an event and open it up to see all of the details. Not any more! You can now see all of the information associated with the event. Seeing event details at a glance provides a quick look at details like location, conferencing, guests, notifications, and even shows the description options or resources that are attached to the event. When every click matters, this shortcut is a timesaver!

Spill the Beans...let's hear those confessions!

Jenn Zanoria (@jennaltdel)

Jenn asked this question way back in September when we first thought about doing a Google Calendar episode. On the day we were set to record - Google released the update for the new Calendar! We decided to wait and explore new features to make sure we were giving you the most up to date information possible. We are happy to answer your question now, Jenn! Sorry for the delay!

Cynthia actually answers this question below in her first tip. Just mouse over the name of the calendar you want to see and click on the three dots menu. Choose "Display this only" from the list and it will toggle off all the other calendars.

Cynthia's Tips

Calendar Settings Menu

You can now access the options for each of your calendars very quickly and easily. Just mouse over the name of your calendar and click on the little three dots menu that appears on the right. From this menu you can change the color of your calendar, access your settings, and easily toggle off all the other calendars and display only that one.

New Description Options

When you create a new event, you now have a rich text editor for the description of your event. You can format your text, add hyperlinks, and easily attach documents to the calendar event. I'm so happy they included this in the upgrade!