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Cynthia's Summer Learning

Tools, Apps, and Resources

I want to learn more about Microsoft OneNote. I found a training course on the Microsoft Website. I'm going to check it out - it's free!

I also want to dig into Planboard, an mobile lesson planning resource to help you stay organized. It is free for individual educators!


Oh my goodness! If you are a leader in your educational community or you are a teacher who wants to effect positive change in your school, you've got to read Dr. Micah Shippee's WanderlustEDU. It is such a great read and gives you practical tools to get started on your adventure of change. It's available on Amazon! Click here to get it.

If you are at all interested in learning to sketchnote yourself or bringing that skill to your students, you must get Sketchnoting in the Classroom by Nichole Carter. She makes it so clear what sketchnotes are and makes it so easy to get started sketching and to get your students sketching. It is available on Amazon! Click here to get it.

Kelly's Summer Learning

Tools, Apps, and Resources

Here is the TED Talk by Pedro Noguera that I referenced in the podcast. Click here to view it on YouTube or watch the embed here.


Check out this book by Alan M. Blankstein and Pedro Noguera. It's a great read! You can get it on Amazon. Click here to see it.

Ann's Summer Learning

Tools, Apps, and Resources

