War Correspondent

The Irish Times

2nd August 1879


Reuters Telegram

Capetown, July 8 (via Plymouth)

An account of the Battle of Ulundi

.. Such close quarters and the cavalry charge will readily account for their great loss - estimated by Mr Archibald Forbes at 800. ...

Weekly Irish Times

2nd August 1879



"EQUES," IF EVER THERE WAS ONE. - Where is the hero ever earned his spurs by service in field better than Archibald Forbes by his fifteen hours' ride with the news of the victory of Ulundi?  After such a gallop he deserves to Knight of the bath - if only by perspiration.


The Irish Times

16th December 1879


Last evening Mr Archibald Forbes, the celebrated "war special" of the Daily News delivered a lecture at the Exhibition Palace on his experiences in Zululand, ... or again, when he alludes to the prowess of the three Irishmen - "Ulundi Bill," Sergeant Fitzmaurice and Sergeant O'Toole.........

Bruce Herald, 26th September 1899

"The Bravest Deed I ever did saw"

Newspaper reporter Archibald Forbes was the first person to tell of the story of the events of the Ulundi War, as a witness to the events which lead to the Victoria Crosses for Lord William Beresford and Edmund O'Toole.  In his talks when he returned, he mentioned that Lord William Beresford and Edmund O'Toole were both Irish, Forbes was Scottish. 

Evening Post, 19th December 1882

Mr Archibald Forbes

What would the story be of Edmund O'Toole as this New Zealand newspaper article had been the only one that had been widely published ?

Noting that the newspaper has wrongly reported that Edmund O'Toole was the man who was wounded and had to be rescuded by Lord William Beresford and not Fitzmaurice. 

At the moment I am unsure of what became of Fitzmaurice, if anyone knows, I would like to hear from you. 

Archibald Forbes