The Family Business

Directory: DUBLIN - Wilson's Dublin Directory - 1801 Merchants, Traders, &c. T


Copyright 2007, Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives

Toole, Charles & Luke, Nursery, Seedsmen & Planters, 25 Kevin Street, Dublin. 


The National Archives of Ireland. Private Sources - Small Private Accessions 1972 - 1977. 999/628.


Dated 10th October 1814

Deed of Land between Charles Toole and Michael Gernon.


Dated 14th November 1814

Deed of Partnership between Charles Toole, Luke Toole of Westmoreland Street and Michael Gernon of Shankill.



Deed - bk 754 pg 30, mem 512365

Re: Lease dated 21 April 1819

1. Charles Toole and Luke Toole both of Westmoreland Street in the City of Dublin, Nursery man of the one part.

2. William Coulton of the City of Dublin Esq, of the other part.


Whereby the said Charles and Luke Toole did demise and set unto the said William Coulton all that and those that dwelling house situate at CullensWood in the county of Dublin.........

Witnessed by:

Stephen Mackey seedsman

Thomas Christian, Attny at Law.

Registered: 14th July, 1820



41 - Toole & Co, seed merchants, also, 1 and 2 College Street and 6 Townsend Street—Nursery, Cullens wood, 103l.„ Toole, Charles, Esquire of Willfort, Bray

Toole &Co, Dublin, Ireland.


This book lists the family business of  Toole &Co including a brief history of the company. 

Book is available to read online -  

The Industries of Dublin. Historical, statistical, biographical. An account of the leading business men, commercial interests, wealth and growth (1887)

Toole & Co see page n10 in Index. Shown on page 107.

Sir James William Mackey Seeds see page n9 Index. Shown on page 68.

Freeman's Journal - Published 16th November 1872.

Notice of Retirement of Charles Toole of 41 Westmoreland Street, Seed Warehouse, as of 13th November 1872.

His sons William Vincent Toole and Luke Toole will now be running the business.

Toole and Co - Business premisses.