Toole Wills

Will Dated 2nd July 1875

Charles Toole [282] effects under £6000

Proved 8th July 1875

Charles Toole formerly of Westmoreland Street, Dublin and late of Elm Grove, Cullenswood Co. Dublin, Seed Merchant deceased who died 25th April 1875 at Elm Grove, was proved at the principle registry by the oath of Mary Toole of Elm Grove, Widow and sole executrix.

 Source: The National Archives of Ireland.

This Charles Toole is Edmund O'Toole's father. Mary Toole is Edmund's mother.  


Luke Toole - effects under £50

Dated 26th January 1860 - letters of administration

Of the personal estate of Luke Toole (the younger) formerly of Westmoreland St Dublin and late of Mont de Mason Department of the Lourdes France, a batchelor who died 10th October 1842 at Mont de Mason aforesaid were granted at the principle registry to John Toole of William Street, the brother, one of the next of kin of said deceased.

 Source: National Archives of Ireland

This Luke Toole is an uncle of Edmund O'Toole. John Toole is also an uncle of Edmund O'Toole.



Mary Helena Toole  [348] Will

Dated 3rd September 1889 - effects £415,19s,1d.

The will of Mary Helena Toole late of 3 Elm Grove Ranelagh Co. Dublin, died 24 May 1889, at same place proved at principle registry by Luke Toole principle and sole executor

 Source: The National Archives of Ireland

This is Edmund O'Toole's Mother and this Luke Toole is Edmund's brother.