2.5 CSS Activities

Activity 1: For this activity you will be reflecting on what you have learned so far about CSS by posting to a discussion forum. We will be using Google Groups to complete this activity. Please follow this link to the discussion forum and read the instructions provided on what you will be posting about: CSS Discussion Forum

Activity 2: By now you've already had experience with building your own HTML web page, but its likely to have been pretty bare bones as we haven't had the chance to add any CSS to customize it yet. In this unit, you learned about the basics of CSS, CSS selectors, CSS properties, and how to include CSS into your HTML documents. Thus, to demonstrate your understanding of CSS, in this activity you will be modifying the HTML web page you created in the previous activity using CSS. Using the online code editor (from the website CSSDeck) below, you are tasked with modifying your HTML web page using these CSS properties:

  • Change the background color of an HTML element

  • Change the font color of an HTML text element

  • Change the font size of an HTML text element

  • Add a border to an HTML element

Note: The code editor below automatically links the CSS to your HTML document externally for you, so you only need to type the desired CSS into the box.

To demonstrate that you've completed this activity, please take a screenshot of your HTML and CSS code and the resulting web page and send it to one of your instructors through email for evaluation.