1.5 HTML Activities

Activity 1: For this activity you will be reflecting on what you have learned so far about HTML by posting to a discussion forum. We will be using Google Groups to complete this activity. Please follow this link to the discussion forum and read the instructions provided on what you will be posting about: HTML Discussion Forum

Activity 2: Now that you've learned about the structure of HTML code, HTML tags, HTML attributes, and some best practices in HTML to follow, it's time to put this knowledge together and create your very first HTML web page! Using the online code editor (developed by Jesse Ruderman) below, you are to create an HTML web page that makes use of the following:

  • At least 2 heading elements

  • At least 2 paragraph elements

  • At least 1 bold formatting element

  • At least 1 italic formatting element

  • At least 1 hyperlink element

  • At least 1 image element (Note that due to the limitations of using an online code editor, you are unable to specify a path to an image stored locally on your computer. Instead, you can specify a path to an image url found online or on a website.)

Your HTML web page can be about anything you'd like, however if you are stuck we suggest creating a small biography telling us about yourself. After completing this activity, take a screenshot of your HTML code along with the results and send it to one of your instructors through email for evaluation.