Learning Design

Experiential Learning Design

This interactive learning resource is designed based on experiential learning. Experiential learning is a method that focuses on hands-on learning activities, where learners can continuously improve on their skills by reflecting on their experiences (Boston University, n.d.). In experiential learning, users are provided with the necessary knowledge, and an opportunity to practice this knowledge through hands-on activities. This allows the learner to take engage with the material in a meaningful way. Through these activities, learners can take initiative to test new methods and be creative with their material. Afterwards, the learner can reflect on their experiences, solidifying their learning through the mistakes and successes they encounter (Boston University, n.d.).

Our Team's Rationale

Our team decided to base our interactive learning resource off experiential learning design to increase the learner's experience with web development. The nature of web development requires users to utilize their knowledge in combination with their creativity and problem solving skills. Through the process of hands-on coding, learners can reflect on the activities and strengthen their knowledge. This also provides learners with instant feedback regarding their knowledge of the material, allowing them to identify any knowledge gaps.

Our interactive learning resource is designed to provide learners with the resources to understand the basic concepts of HTML and CSS. At the end of the learning module, they are asked to complete basic tasks by using HTML and CSS respectively. This requires learners to actively engage with the learning material, while giving them the freedom to test different layouts and designs. This also gives them an opportunity to strengthen their problem solving skills. If something is not showing up on the practice site properly, they can look through their code to find the issue. After a hands-on activity, they are given a short quiz to refresh concepts and principles.