Designing for Inclusion

Colour Blindness

Colour blindness can affect all sorts of individuals in today's society. In an attempt to adequately accommodate for different learners and their needs, our resource has been tested against gray scale to ensure that the text and information is still legible for learners with colour impairment. Furthermore, to accommodate learners, our resource does not rely on colour to deliver information.

Loss of Hearing

There are varying levels of hearing loss, which can hinder the learning experience of an individual. To accommodate for those who have hearing loss, a majority of our learning resource is text-based. Although the majority of the resource is text-based, there are still some instructional videos included that have audio. These videos contain closed captions that enable hearing impaired learners to progress through the content at the same pace as their peers. Furthermore, for the learning modules with videos, additional resources are also included in the form of articles related to the topic in the case the where learners feel that videos are not suitable.