
General Considerations

=> A mix of the two is great to have, but if only one damage type is chosen thermal is preferable.

Weapon Mounting 

For all weapons, the preferred mounting type is Fixed. Upgrading from a Gimballed weapon to a fixed one comes at a bonus of ~20% to ~50% more damage output, a reduction of ~7% distributor draw and additional ~40% to ~80% total damage per ammo pool, among other minor stat differences. Exact numbers vary across weapon sizes and types. Further, fixed weaponry is immune to chaff and has a micro gimbal effect which snaps to target modules within ~1°.

Fixed mounting can sometimes be unviable, this could be lack of pilot skill (that being said, only way to learn fixed is to use it), bad hardpoint convergence, or mixing weapons of different shot speeds.

Turrets should be avoided. They have bad damage output and slow tracking (so slow that in reality they often end up with less ToT than a gimballed counterpart, assuming any piloting at all is done). All ships in the game handle well enough to subsequently perform better with gimballed and/or fixed.

Identifying Hardpoint Groups

When fitting fixed weaponry with the goal of firing multiple weapons at once, hardpoint convergence becomes very important. Use EDSA to identify such groups. Also keep the above considerations in mind.

Shared Mechanics

Laser (Pulse, Burst, Beam)

100% Thermal


Lasers in general have low damage per unit of distributor energy consumed (Damage Per Energy). The best of the three types here is the Pulse, closely followed by the Burst. This is important, because this means that the pilot will usually get more use out of a pulse or burst than a beam in most configurations, unless running only few or a single laser on a very capable power distributor, as beams have very high distributor draw. Pulse and Burst have a damage falloff start at 500m, Beam at 600m. This is exceptionally short, and forms one of the major drawbacks of laser weaponry, because lasers depend on high ToT.

Ammo Pool

Lasers consume no ammo.

Engineering Modifications

Engineering Experimentals


100% Kinetic


Mullticannons offer great damage output at very little distributor draw. Furthermore, their projectiles have a high shot speed and a favorable falloff start at 2000m. They depend on high ToT to be effective. Notable is that the large Multicannon has a long spin-up time, making it the worst size in the lineup.

Ammo Pool

Multicannons have a great total damage per ammo pool. Growing bigger in size they become increasingly more ammo efficient.

Engineering Modifications

Engineering Experimentals


100% Kinetic 


Cannons offer great damage output at very little distributor draw. However, their projectiles have low shot speeds, and their shot speed is not the same across all sizes. They have effectively no damage dropoff. As a high alpha, low RoF weapon they do not depend on ToT to be effective.

For this weapon type the gimballed variant is especially bad and should be avoided.

Ammo Pool

Cannons have unfavorable total damage per ammo pool. For a given size, a fixed Cannon will have a similar total damage as a gimballed Multicannon.

Engineering Modifications

Engineering Experimentals

Fragment Cannon

100% Kinetic 


Fragment Cannons offer extreme damage output at very little distributor draw. Further the nature of their shotgun-like spread means that they are only effective at extremely close ranges (~200m and closer, depending on the target size). Due to having a long reload, small magazine and high rate of fire they can not be seen as a ToT dependent weapon. A huge variant of these does not exist. 

Ammo Pool

In theory they have very great total damage per ammo pool. However it is very easy to waste shots and they can go through their ammo pool very quickly, which may make it appear otherwise. 

Engineering Modifications

Engineering Experimentals


67% Thermal, 33% Kinetic 


Railguns offer extreme damage output at high distributor draw and heat generation. Their damage falloff starts at 1000m, but since they are a high alpha, low RoF hitscan weapon that is fairly easy to manage. Only exists in small and medium size (however installing on larger hardpoints is very much viable). All sizes have a Piercing value of 100.

Ammo Pool

The total damage per ammo pool is subpar to other weapons of similar size.

Engineering Modifications

Engineering Experimentals

Plasma Accelerator

60% Absolute, 20% Thermal, 20% Kinetic 


Plasma Accelerators offer high damage at high distributor draw and heat generation. They also have very low projectile speed, but a good range and damage falloff start (2000m). They are the only weapon dealing absolute damage, meaning they are not subject to resistance calculations (other than pips). They come in sizes medium and up, and all have a Piercing value of 100. 

Ammo Pool

The total ammo pool damage is very good, beating that of multicannons when compared without engineering.

Engineering Modifications

Engineering Experimentals

Good Weapon Combinations



Other Weapons