Megaships & Installations

Difficulty: Medium - High

In a similar fashion to conflict zones, megaships and installations can spawn scenarios where they come under attack by a pirate fleet, when their owning faction is in certain states.

After you drop in, wait up to 2 minutes for a scenario to start, then select a side from the chat in the upper left.  If it's been 2 minutes and a scenario doesn't start, then the owning faction isn't in the right state.

The attacking faction will have ships trying to steal cargo from, or destroy the power capacitors of, the ship/installation, and these must be killed with haste by the defenders. If too many of them get away with cargo, or too many capacitors are destroyed, the defenders can lose regardless of kill count. Generally, there is an audio cue from your "teammates", saying something like "They're attacking the cargo hatches!". 

For the cargo heist scenarios, you can cheese it by always finding the Python or Anaconda that is beelining for the cargo and not fighting like a regular enemy.  After you kill it, a new one will warp in within 5-10 seconds that you can then destroy, and repeat.

Also, these instances are VERY sensitive to friendly fire. If you hit friendly ships (or the installation, if you are defending), you will be attacked by your own team, and if you are defending, you will still get a bounty on you if you hit friendlies

After you complete a scenario, you can simply wait another 2 minutes for another one to start.