Faculty Publications :

book Publications :

by Prof. (Dr.) Sushovan Sarkar

"Fixed Bed Hybrid Bioreactor-Theory and Practice" written by Prof. (Dr.) Sushovan Sarkar has been published in Springer Nature and available in the largest online Shop AMAZON.

Patents Publications :

Application no. 20173 1009961: Title: “Nonagon Cylindrical Mounted Attached Frame". Date of filing 22.03.17

Application no. 20173 1009962: Title: "Fixed Bed Aerobic Hybrid Bioreactor Fitted With NCMAF" Date of filing 22.03.17

Journal Publications :

Journal publication details of Suhovan Sarkar (1).docx
Journal and Conference.docx

Conference Details :

Souvik Chakraborty publication.docx
conference publiction details of sushovan sarkar.docx