News Letter

Activity of Department of Civil Engineering of Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology & Sports Complex is published in the Students Chapter Newsletter of Institute of Engineers India

News Letter "Cyclone"

Department of Civil Engineering have published our Newsletter titled “CYCLONE” for the special COVID19 Edition.

Cyclone has extremely powerful winds and our students have powerful minds which can change the world with their dynamic activities in a constructive way.

The newsletter depicts the activities performed by the department during the period

Following are the key highlights of the newsletter:

  • Message

  • About the department

  • Online classes

  • Parent Teacher Meeting

  • Industry-Institute Collaborative Webinars

  • Alumni Meet cum Rabindra Jayant

  • Faculty Development Programme

  • Social Activities by students

  • Special Activities by students

  • Summer Internship

We are very much grateful to the management of JIS group for their blessing and support to accomplish all such kind of activities and we welcome suggestions and feedback that will help to improve further. The COVID-19 has been a blessing in disguise as it has helped us learn the digital path of teaching and an opportunity to the students to show their humanity to the society.It is a wonderful journey and I hope to learn a lot more new things along the way.

wall magazine

opening of Wall Magazine by CE Department 3 rd yr on 09 th April’2019

wall magazine "Challenge"

Department of Civil Engineering , DSCSDEC has published the first edition of digital wall magazine 'CHALLENGE'.

Against all uncertainties in a pandemic situation students have left no stone unturned in keeping them involved with their creativities, innovations and social services. Faculty members, Technical Assistants and students joined their hands and took a challenge for making the online classes successful in these harsh times staying at home.