
School Library Connection (SLC)

Some of my work has been published in School Library Connection (SLC), both in their online and print editions.

  • "Virtuous Cycles and Death Spirals: The Importance of Being an Active Collaborator" was published in the April 2019 online edition. The article emphasizes the importance of school librarians taking an active role in seeking out teacher collaborations.
      • Tetreault, Steven. "Virtuous Cycles and Death Spirals: The Importance of Being an Active Collaborator." School Library Connection, April 2019,
  • "The Janus Decision: A Chance for School Librarian Leadership" was published in both the print and online editions of the October 2019 issue. This article focuses on the importance of SLMS advocacy and leadership in the wake of the June 2018 Supreme Court decision in Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, a court case which fundamentally undermined education unions.
      • Tetreault, Steve. "The Janus Decision: A Chance for School Librarian Leadership." School Library Connection, October 2019,
  • "End Literacy Shaming" was published in both the print and online editions of the Nov/Dec 2019 issue. In this article, I further expanded on the concept of literacy shaming, why it is such an insidious force in education, and how easily it can be overcome with some reflection on the part of educators.
      • Tetreault, Steven. "End Literacy Shaming." School Library Connection, November 2019,
  • "Classroom v. School Libraries: Not All Libraries are Created Equal" will be published in an upcoming edition. This piece is intended to warn against replacing school libraries with classroom libraries, a trend that seems to be taking root in schools across the country. It exposes some of the fallacies that are sometimes used to justify this switch.

Knowledge Quest

I was chosen by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) to be a monthly contributor to the online Knowledge Quest blog in mid-2018. My blog posts are available to AASL members across the nation. My work has been well-received - my post about "literacy shaming" was among the top 10 most read Knowledge Quest posts in 2019 - and I was asked to continue my contributions through the 2019-2020 school year.

I also was fortunate enough to be part of a Knowledge Quest article about the new AASL standards for school librarians.