The Biden administration: Things to come

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America has a lot to look forward to if the elections' results last November hold up. Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, for one, is optimistic for the future of American healthcare if Joe Biden's healthcare plan is put into action. Dr. Boente also believes that this bodes well for most, if not all, Americans.

Looking at the Biden plan, Americans can expect many changes, making for a more pleasant outlook since the Affordable Care Act or ACA was passed 10 years ago. Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, recalls that since the ACA was passed, more Americans were insured. Biden looks to build on this to make the ACA even friendlier to the common American. Inclusivity and consideration will be at the forefront of Biden's plan, making payments more advantageous to people applying for it.

One good example Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, gives is the potential lowering of prescription drug prices. This has been a hot topic since an increasing number of people find it more difficult to afford prescription drugs. One key point in Biden's plan is prohibiting drug companies from negotiating with Medicare over the product prices.

As for inclusivity, Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, mentions that Biden's plan seeks to lower the age of people who qualify for full insurance benefits to 60 from the current 65. There are many benefits for Americans with this action, such as reducing hospital costs and the possibility of the early detection of disease.

Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, is a recipient of numerous awards for his medical field contribution. Among these are the Top Doctor Award given by Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine and Minnesota Monthly's Best Doctors for Women. For similar updates, visit this page.